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Some main points of the story.

● This story is not dependent on any one plot, means this story is all my imagination, means I do not want to show any one targeted story in this

● It will be a love story with a family drama which will have some twist & turn and you all will have to stick with the story to know that twist.

● This is the story of two different couples, will revolve around 4 siblings.

● At the same time, I would like to say one more thing, the dialogues in this story will be in Hindi, because I believe that the meaning behind the emotions is understood properly in Hindi...
Hardly you will find any dialogue in English in this story, so I tell you in advance that I will write the story in English and dialogue in Hindi.
So later no one will ask me to add Hindi or English things because I will not be able to..

● I cleared some of my points related to the story, now you all tell this, do you want to read this a family drama and love story...?

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