chapter 109

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It is morning time.

Avni opens her eyes and finds herself sleeping in a sitting position on the bed. And, As soon as she opens her eyes, the first thing she does is look around the room for Neil.

Last night, after Neil left the room and she sat back on the bed as she felt pain in her stomach avni did not know when she fell asleep, waiting for Neil to come and now her eyes are open but her hope is still not fulfilled. He did not come back to the room, did not come to her.

Where is he? Is he so angry with her that he won't talk to her even today?
He forgave her biggest mistake till date, but she knew that forgiving this mistake would not be easy and maybe that is why she chose today's day to tell him the truth.
She thought that he would not get angry on her birthday even if he wanted to, but maybe her thinking was wrong.

He got angry and don't know where he has gone... If he had been at home, he would have definitely come to the room at this time to see her face like every morning and not to see her but to wish morning to their baby and give her/his kisses which he did throughout her pregnancy from the beginning till yesterday morning.

" Good morning baby, Papa was right when he said that Mumma is a liar, I told such a big lie to Papa and now I am expecting him to forgive me...But my mistake is unforgivable but baby, maybe mumma has very little time with you and papa, And I want to spend this time that i have with you and papa, and for that I will have to talk to papa and apologize." She shares all these things with her unborn child, keeping her hand on her stomach, and her eyes fill up with tears thinking about the future.

" If mumma is not with you tomorrow, then be a good baby and don't trouble papa too much." She speaks in her choked voice and then wipes her tears and gets off the bed and is about to go out of the room in search of Neil but her steps stop when she sees Neil opening the door and coming in.

Her eyes fill up with tears finally seeing him in the room and their eyes meet.


After leaving the room last night, I don't know which route I took but I just left with my car...I kept wandering on the roads all night, because I could not understand how to react to this that now I have only a few days left, and after that, of those two lives of mine, only one will be left with me.
No, something so bad cannot happen to me, this cannot happen, I will never let this happen.

These nine months were no less than a magical moment for me, such a magical happiness that it can only be felt but not expressed.
We have lived every moment of these nine months together, shared every happiness together.
And, I won't let anything happen to our magical happiness.
Even though our child was in Avni's womb, I also kept him/her in my heart and mind during these nine months, I couldn't wait to hold that tiny little life in my arms, but I had no idea that this happiness was coming to me in such a way.

How would my little love ( Avni ) have endured this pain in her chest for nine months? Where she was scared every moment. How could I not understand this fear of hers.
I was so blinded by my happiness that I could not recognize the pain inside her.
How would she have endured this pain?

How could I not see why my foodie and specially junk food lover wifey was eating only healthy food these nine months just so that our baby remains healthy, She controlled her cravings and mood swings herself and did not let me even know about it.

How will I forgive myself for this selfishness? Where I was blinded by my happiness and could not recognize her pain.

But along with myself, I will never forgive her either...whatever the situation was, she should not have hidden it from me, I will never forgive her for this wrong decision, if she had told me everything in the beginning then we could have found a solution together, We would have done anything but would not have let this situation arise.

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