chapter 107

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It has been 4 months now. In these 4 months, Neil takes care of Avni in every possible way, From her morning sickness to her eating and drinking habits, her sleeping and waking up times, he has created a new routine for her for everything so that she can rest as much as possible.
He is leaving no stone unturned in taking care of her.

There is a different kind of happiness in the whole family too...And now everyone is just waiting for the sweet laughter of that little child to resonate in their house.

There is not a single day when Neil does not talk to their unborn child after waking up in the morning and before going to sleep at night.....He talks to their unborn child about his day and Avni can't help but admire him when he talk like that with their child.....Seeing him talking to their unborn child like this, she just keeps praying that this smile should never disappear from his face.

But amidst all this, where, the whole family is waiting for the arrival of that little happiness in their home, On the other hand, Avni spends her every day praying that she can make Neil and the others happy because if something happens to this child, then perhaps she will never be able to become a mother again and if that happens then.... no, She gets scared thinking about it. No, she will not let anything happen to this happiness of this house.

She hasn't shared anything with Neil yet, however Neil is worried about her seeing her health deteriorating day by day.
But when the doctor and the whole family explain to him that it is common for health to deteriorate during pregnancy, then he does not think much.

Meanwhile, Avni knows very well that the day Neil finds out what she has hidden from him, he will not forgive her.
But if everything goes well, both of them, she and their child remain safe, then no one will be happier than Neil.

She may not express her love like him about how much she loves him, but seeing him always happy is her language of love for him.

And she knows, This unborn child is his happiness now, because only she knows how long he has waited for their child and now even if she has to sacrifice her life to give him this happiness, she will not step back.

She does not apologize to him for her mistakes, she throws thousands of tantrums at him which he happily bear. but she does all this is because he is the one who made her like this.
He never gave her a chance to bow down to him, so today in return of all that love she has a chance to give him the biggest happiness of his life, their child, A symbol of their love.

So thinking all this she has kept this thing hidden from Neil till now.

These days she spends as much time as she can with Neil; Neil often works from home when his wife demands his time.

She demands his time because Avni doesn't know what will happen in the future, that's why she is living her loving moments with her love as much as possible.

Nowadays, the only thing on her mind all the time is how to keep their child safe and this is also a reason that because of thinking so much her stress is increasing and her bad health is getting worse.

While women in these days gains weight, Avni is losing weight and Neil is getting worried about this too, but his family calms down all his worries by saying that all this is a common thing during these days, Some women gain weight while some lose weight, so this is not a matter of worry, so he should stay calm.

The doctor advises Avni to take as little stress as possible but it is becoming difficult for her to do so.
How can he not get stressed when he knows what is going to happen in the future.

She had never imagined that in her such a happy life she would have to face such a situation, Her life was a fairy tale where she got everything she wanted.
From childhood till now there has been only happiness in her life, she has such a good family, such a good husband who sacrificed everything for her including his life.

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