chapter 53

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Now it has been a few days since Avni left, but till now there has been no proper talk between her and Neil but yes, there is definitely a one-way conversation happening between them, Neil is getting to know everything about her and what she is doing there because his chatterbox has really gone a little crazy, she keeps giving him updates from morning till night through messages and voice messages.

She sent him the picture of her when she first stepped into her office, sat at her desk, all these first selfies that she keeps sending to him....So, how was her experience on her first day in the office and now what she does every day in the office, she sends him all that in long voice notes.

The reason for her doing all this is that even though she does not get any response from Neil but she sees that Neil is seeing the messages sent by her and she is happy with this.

Here Neil, whose sadness has still not ended due to her departure, on receiving her messages and photos, he does not do much but smiles because no matter what it is he is happy for her, if she is happy doing this thing then he is happy.

He is happy when she sends him messages, but he himself does not understand why he is still not talking to her.
It's been 4 days now but he hasn't responded to even a single message from her and he doesn't know why, but maybe he knows.
Now whatever happened, happened, why is he hesitating to talk to her now ?

This is the second time they have had a fight, the first time they fought she was hesitant in taking the initiative and now he....
And the reason for his hesitation is that, Perhaps he is now feeling regretful that he wasted the time he had to spend with her in expressing his anger.

Now how should he talk to her whom he treated so badly on the news of her departure?
She doesn't deserve that behavior of his, they should have celebrated that time together but he wasted that time, and somehow, hurt her.

He knows that she was waiting for him at the airport that day but he did not meet her even at that time, so now how can he say sorry to her for all these things.

Despite his bad behavior, she is still calling him and messaging him every day, She is sharing with him the things of her day, in the hope that he will at least respond, How did he hurt her, and why? Only because she did not tell them anything earlier due to the fear caused by them ( him & Raj ).

Like always, after reacting he realized that she too was not completely wrong. Yes, this time she was not completely right but she was not wrong either, she was right in her place, but she should have trusted him that he would understand her but perhaps he has understood that it was his love's fault,

He loves her so much that she is afraid to share this thing because he might refuse her for this and this is also true to some extent, If he had known this earlier, he would have definitely tried to change her decision in some way or the other.

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