chapter 23

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Next morning

The morning there is a little different for them from every other morning, due to the cold weather their mornings are quite pleasant...the sun rises but the atmosphere remains cool, Meanwhile, the birds fly in the sky with their enchanting voice which is echoing all around.

Raj open his eyes because it doesn't matter whether he is on leave or where he is, he is an early riser, so at a certain time his eyes open automatically.

As soon as he opens his eyes, he sees the love of his life in his arms, curled up in his arms and sleeping peacefully with her face buried in his chest.

He takes a deep breath as her scent hits his nostrils and tightens his grip on her, closing his eyes but then he slightly separates her face from his chest and looks at her beautiful face and then kisses her forehead, and as soon as his lips touch her forehead, Simran also loses her sleep and when she opens her eyes, she finds her husband looking at her lovingly

" Good morning jaana " Raj says smiling when he sees her eyes open, Simran smiles at his wish and while incorporating herself into him, she also wishes him good morning. Seeing her like this, Raj smiles and tells her to sleep more, he is going to take a shower but Sirman stops him and says that she wants to stay with him like this for now, on which Raj smiles and fulfills her wish and stays with her.

Other side

Neil is already awake, his sleep was broken some time ago and as soon as he opens his eyes he sees the face of his special person whose face he has been dreaming of seeing in front of him every day for years... Every day he used to wake up and look at her through the phone but today... today she is in front of him...

He sees that the distance at which both of them slept last night has not completely ended but has definitely reduced a little. There is just a pillow distance between them which Avni is sleeping holding...he feels a little jealous of that pillow too but no problem, soon the time will come when every morning she will be in his arms and she will sleep holding him instead of this pillow.....How much he wanted to remove that pillow from her arms and take her in his arms, but still he doesn't cross that distance even if he wants to...But in his place, lying on half of his body, facing her, he is staring at her beautiful face which is currently sleeping peacefully.

She stirs a little in her sleep and Neil notices this and then soon rubbing her eyes she opens them and as soon as she opens her eyes, she finds a smiling Neil in front of her, seeing whom a beautiful smile appears on her face too.

" Good morning lily...." Saying this, he lifts himself a little from his place and kisses her forehead, feeling which Avni's smile brightens.

" Morning " Avni also wishes him when Neil lies down in his old position again.

Both are looking at each other... then Neil says

" You know, today one of my dreams has come true..." Avni looks at him confused at these words, And to clear her confusion, Neil says further

" To see you so close to me... I have been dreaming for years that I would open my eyes and see you like this in front of me..." Avni shyly smiles at his words

" And see today my dream has come are in front of me, close to me..... Now there is just one more dream, that just like this pillow is in your arms, I should be there every morning and you will see that this dream of mine will also be fulfilled soon...." he says dreamily on which Avni smiles and notices the pillow which is between them.

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