chapter 69

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Ok so I got mixed answers so keeping everyone's wishes in mind, today here is Udapate which is almost complete and I will give an update tomorrow also.

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That night, after enjoying a long drive with Neil, Avni leaves for Bangalore the next morning. Both Raj and Neil drop her to the airport.

After that, things in Neil's life become the same as they were when Avni was not here in Mumbai.
After 2 days of happy mood, he again went into his Devdad mode.

But now he is just counting down the days because there is only a little time left and then she will be here...he will be able to see her whenever he wants.

A Night

Neil was talking to Avni on video call and like always he was reminding her about her work so that she should not be lazy and should complete her pending work.

"Did you wash your clothes?" On his question, Avni remembers, "No, she forgot again and there is a pile of clothes in the bathroom." But so that her laziness is not visible in front of him, she speaks

" Yes... " she answers crossing her fingers

" show me " he says

" what should i show " she asks

" Your clothes, show me whether you have really washed them or not..." At his words she looks at him... why is he like this...Okay, he reminds her to do all her work but sometimes he does too much.
Right now she doesn't feel like working but this active man will make that poor lazy girl work.

" Neil, I've actually washed them and I don't feel like going there...So I can't prove it to you by showing."

" Avni go and show me..."

" Neil, what is this... along with my clothes, there are also my personal clothes, will you see that?" She makes her best excuse to hide her laziness by not showing him her clothes, on which he gives her a look.

" One day I will see a lot with your personal clothes." Her eyes widen at his words and her face turns slightly red, understanding what he meant..

" Huh," she reacts composing herself

" And now I'm sure you haven't done stop doing the drama, and get up and go wash them." At his words, she stomps her feet and goes to the washroom and annoyingly puts all the clothes in the machine.

" now happy ?"

" Yes....And now go have your dinner...."

" OK boss, anything else ?" He smiles seeing her irritated

" No Ma'am, That's all for now...go to sleep after dinner...I will call you in the morning...bye." Saying this he ends the call... He doesn't keep her awake for long because then she won't be able to wake up in the morning and if she is late in getting up, she will be late for her work.

Days pass

Here Simran is about to enter the seventh month of her pregnancy and now her weight has increased a little, her baby bump is also exposed to a great extent in which she is looking very cute.
And now along with the whole house, Raj has started taking extra special care of her as the doctor has warned that she will probably have a pre-mature delivery.

Meanwhile, Simran Raj's first anniversary also came which was celebrated by the entire family with great pomp and show, and on that day also Avni came here for a few hours but after celebrating the happiness of her bhai and bhabhi with everyone, she immediately left on the next flights due to which Neil did not get any chance to be with her.

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