chapter 106

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The whole family stands outside the room waiting for some good news. Meanwhile Neil is standing at the door biting his nails in nervousness ever since he heard the doctor say that she is doing Avni's pregnancy test.

Ever since he heard this he is feeling nervous thinking, what if the result comes positive? Obviously, both of them have done everything so that there is no chance of the results coming negative but now he is scared.
Will he be able to take care of their child, will he be able to be a good father and thinking about all this he is biting his nails in nervousness.

Seeing him like this, the rest of the family suppresses their smile because the person who always used to laugh and joke around and tease his wife about the child, has become in this condition just from the news of the child's arrival today.

Everyone also knows that it is natural for him to feel this way because becoming a father is a huge responsibility.

The room's door opens and is opened by Simran who was inside with Avni and doctor...Simran gives them a happy smile but doesn't say anything and everyone comes inside.

Neil walks into the room last, taking slow steps, his throat dry with nervousness, he didn't know this news would make him feel like this.

He looks at Avni who is lying on the bed in a sitting position with the support of the headboard, her eyes fixed on him and there is a shy smile on her lips.

And before anyone could ask the doctor anything, the doctor herself said,

"Congratulations to all of you, she is pregnant." Hearing this news brings a happy smile on everyone's face.

And before anyone can congratulate Avni, everyone suddenly hears the sound of someone falling down and Avni calls out Neil's name, whom she sees falling unconscious.

" Neillll " Avni says and Raj looks around and sees that Neil, who was standing next to him, is lying on the floor next to him now.

Everyone gets shocked and nobody understands how he suddenly fell unconscious, Raj sits on the floor at his level and tries to wake him up by patting his cheek, Simran gives Raj a glass of water and Raj sprinkles few drops of water on Neil and Neil immediately opens his eyes

" Are you okay?" Raj asks to which Neil looks at him.

"Was I sleeping? Thank god I was dreaming." He says while getting up from the floor on which Raj also stand.

"What kind of dream?" Raj asks

" Aree, yahi ki main papa banne wala hu.....uff sapna tha...main darr gya tha." He says taking a deep breath.

And everyone suppresses their laughter on hearing his words... This man is a different antique piece of their house... He scared everyone by falling unconscious like this

" No, you are not dreaming, this is are going to become a father soon." Raj confirms it to which Neil's eyes widen and he looks around where his family is giving him disbelief looks.

Instead of congratulating Avni, this man took all the attention on himself by acting unconscious like this.

" Really ? main papa ban gya....? Omg, papa main papa ban gya." Neil suddenly speaks while hugging Prakash who's standing in front of him, upon which Avni smiles shyly

Prakash patted his back congratulating him but seeing him like this avni thinks : Why does this man start overdoing everything, but no, maybe happiness looks like this, Today he has got the happiness he had been waiting for since so long and in such a situation it is obvious that it will take him time to believe it......She smiles, seeing his and their happiness.

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