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It's been 3 years, 3 years have passed since that time which I never want to see again in our life.

Well, that time has passed, I and my Avni are together now, and are happy.

A lot has changed in these 3 years, and so has my Avni.

Yes she is completely fine now but in all this I lost her childish behavior which I liked a lot in her, she doesn't even behave childishly now, time has changed her, she has now become more mature and does not take things lightly but takes them seriously.

Now she doesn't show me her tantrums etc., in return she now listens to everything I say, she tries to listen to everything I say so that I never get angry with her.
The word sorry, which never used to come out of her mouth easily, now she says it to me on every small thing so that I don't get angry with her.
Although she knows that I do not get angry with her, still she tries to ensure that I do not get angry with her.

Strange, once I wanted an Avni who would listen to me sometimes but now when she listens to me everytime and doesn't show any tantrums, I don't like it.

Well, she doesn't do all this under any pressure, nor is she still stuck in the old things. No, now she is healthy in every way, be it physically or mentally.

3 years ago, seeing her condition I wanted to take her to a therapist but before that I talk to her something about this, she herself said that she wants to recover from her depression and other things, So after this we went to the best doctor and with the help of the doctor, medicines and meditation, he is now completely healthy. She has stopped overthinking, she takes less stress...overall everything is fine now.

Meanwhile, to divert her attention, Avni rejoined the office and kept herself so busy in work that she did not get time for herself.

Me and Raj are super suprised by the way she works, we often tell her that she doesn't need to work so much but she does not listen to us in this matter. Due to her hard work we won many projects and deals due to which our already top company got more appreciation.

On the other hand, my Avni has not celebrated even a single birthday in these three years, yes she is no longer stuck in the past but as we lost our unborn baby the very next day after her birthday, that is the reason why Avni does not celebrate her birthday anymore. She did not tell me the reason clearly but even today it does not take me long to understand her unspoken words.
I tried to explain to her many times but she clearly refused to celebrate this day.

In all this, Ansh and Aarav also helped her a lot in getting out of her past, specially Ansh, Ansh loves her no less than his mother and for Avni too, he has now become her own child.
Ansh is now six and a half years old and our intelligent Ansh has become even more intelligent, and Aarav is three and a half years old and he is also as cute as Ansh.

Oops, okay I'll talk to you all later...I'm a little short on time, guess why?

Ok, let me tell you, Avni is in the hospital....no no there is nothing to worry about.
Actually today is my Avni's birthday and God has given her our princess as a gift.
Yes you all read it right we have been blessed with a princess today.

After two years, Avni again expressed her wish to get herself checked once to see if she is healthy enough to conceive or not.

I initially refused her because I did not want to take any risk that we might have to go through that again.
But she still insisted so we went to the one of the best doctor and after a lot of tests the doctor said that yes she can conceive but still, there is some risk and as soon as I heard this, I refused Avni for this thing, but Avni again insisted that if there is a chance then why should we not take it.

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