chapter 71

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Two years later.

Ansh is now 2 years old and with increasing age his mischiefs are also increasing...From his grandmother's house to his maternal grandmother's house, he makes all his family members run after him.

But along with being mischievous, Ansh also has much more intelligence than his age and this is the result of the values ​​given by his wise parents.

Raj Simran does not stop his mischief because he is a child and will definitely have fun but at the same time they definitely teach him how to to respect elders.

Although he is loved by everyone because he is the only child in both the families, but he likes his buaa the best because she always plays with him, gives him chocolates, tells him stories.

And although his place is not fixed yet, because sometimes he sleeps with his parents, sometimes with his grandparents and sometimes with his buaa...But he sleeps with his buaa most of the night.....The reason is also that Avni knows that along with the child, her bhai and bhabhi also need to spend time together, so that they can get some time together, Avni makes Ansh sleep with her and Ansh also sleeps comfortably in the affection of his buaa.

But while Ansh sleeps comfortably with his buaa, it becomes an uncomfortable thing for his Mama because next to the sleeping Ansh, Avni cannot talk to Neil on the phone till late night because doing so might disturb Ansh's sleep....So she avoids this thing and Neil who does not get time with her in the morning because of her office and then at night because of this....He doesn't understand what to do now.

Avni spends all her time with Ansh before and after office.

Ansh also accompanies his mother to her place of work Where he is famous among the girls.....seeing his cuteness, girls leave their work and run after him and Simran has to remind them that this is an office and not a park, so everyone gets on with their work.

Simran has already taken a long break from her work, she was running her office from home in the beginning, but now that Ansh has turned two years old So now she works mostly by going to her office because she cannot leave her office to the employees forever.
She has achieved this position with a lot of hard work and she knows that now as her responsibilities have increased, her family is there to support her at every step.....Even if she does not bring Ansh with her to her office, her family at home will take care of her child....

But since Ansh is still very small, she sometimes brings him with her to the office.

Amidst all this, after the delivery of Simran two years ago, the discussion about Avni Neil's marriage was once again raised in the house but as Simran had become a new mother, everyone did not like the idea of ​​their marriage that time and the topic was closed there again and did not raised again for two years.

Two years later, today, it is Avni's best friend Priyal's wedding in which Priyal has invited Avni along with her entire family as well as Neil....But due to an international online meeting, Simran is unable to attend Priyal's wedding and due to which Ansh is also at home.

But Avni, Neil and Raj definitely go to her wedding because she had asked everyone very lovingly to come, so Raj and Neil could not refuse.

Priyal is having PHERE with her husband and Avni is standing a little away from Neil with another friend from her college, watching this beautiful moment of her best friend.

But at the same time Neil who is standing with Raj, watching the phera and throwing flowers on that couple....just like seeing the marriage of others, Neil says

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