chapter 67

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● First of all, thanks to everyone who showered their love on the last chapter through their votes and comments, it really makes me happy to see that you all liked the chapter.
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" Neil kya kar rahe hai, koi dekh lega..." Avni tells him when Neil is standing outside the Mehra house, he keeps her captive between himself and the car.

After spending a good time at the beach, both of them head home at around 11 o'clock.

Avni first thinks of dropping Neil at Khanna house but somewhere she knew that her over-protective fiancé would not go home without dropping her home safely.

So both of them first come to Mehra house and after reaching here, stopping him Avni goes to his side and opens the car door for him and after coming out, all of sudden Neil captures her between himself and the car, due to which she gets scared.

She was bold everywhere but like this with him outside her house, it makes her nervous.
She feels shy thinking that if her parents or brother see her like this with Neil...and her bhabhi will not stop teasing her.

But ignoring her words, Neil leans towards her and kisses her cheeks, on which she feels shy.

" Neil, aren't you satisfied...please leave me...someone will come "

" I can never be satisfied with you, the more I get, the less I feel. I wish this time stops here and you don't go anywhere, just stay in my arms like this." She smiles at his words but in reality she is afraid that someone will actually come.

" Neil, someone will really come..." she says as she feels him getting closer to her…There is not even an inch of distance between their bodies and he smiles seeing her saying this.

" baby, It's about to be 12 o'clock at night...I think everyone will be who will come here..." He speaks in his light husky voice while taking his lips near her ear and kissing the corner of her ear to which she smiles shyly.

And then he is about to kiss her other cheek but suddenly both of them feel a flash of bright light on their faces, And both of them look to the side where Raj's car is coming in from outside.

Avni gets shocked and without thinking anything she first pushes Neil away from her, on which Neil sighs looking at her.
Everything can change in the world but this girl cannot stop keeping a distance of two hands from him in front of her brother ( Raj ).

While coming inside, Raj sees this thing between them from inside the car, before Avni pushes Neil....But then without any thought he stops the car and gets out of it and comes to the other side and opens the door for Simran and takes her out holding her hand.

Although Simran is able to get out of the car on her own but Raj has become more protective of her as her pregnancy progresses and he likes to do all this for her and Simran also likes to feel all this care and affection of her husband.

Coming out of the car, both of them come to Avni and Neil where Raj sees his sister's face for the first time in the whole day...Today he is also seeing his sister in saree for the first time and he sees that his younger sister is looking more beautiful and cute in this saree today than usual.

Simran also sees Avni in saree and smiles, guessing that she has worn it for Neil.

" Wow avu, you are looking very beautiful...Finally you wore the saree..." Simran says this to Avni but sees Neil teasingly on which Neil just smiles but seeing simran this things she feels little shy as she understands that her bhabhi knows that she is wearing it for Neil

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