chapter 91

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Avni pov.

" Okay, as you wish " These are the last words I heard from Neil today.
When I asked Neil to leave me alone, he said these 4 words and left me alone in the room.
And now I don't know where he is.

As time passed I began to understand things.
Finally, when my mind has calmed down after venting out all my anger on Neil, I am realizing things: what a big mistake I made by yelling at Neil.

He never says anything to me, he accepts my words as an obedient husband now and earlier as an obedient boyfriend.

I have understood what he wanted to tell me yesterday by making me realize my mistake...He just wanted the best for me so that I don't become someone I'm not.

Although while doing so, I also had a doubt once that I should not do this but my anger on Tina was so much that I did not see anything right or wrong and I was forced to take my revenge on her and I spilled tea on her.

Neil was right, We should not become wrong with wrong person and I agree with Neil on this point.
But what I did after what Tina did to Neil was not that big a thing. And even though I have realized my mistake, yes I should not have treated Neil like that but I still don't regret what I did to Tina.

I will keep in mind Neil's words that he does not like me doing all this, so I will not do it, I will also try to control myself.
But now what I have done has been done and I cannot change it.

But now the most important thing is my Neil, due to my disease of overthinking, I don't know what I thought and as a result I don't know what I said to Neil.
Well, I remember every word what I said to Neil and I know he must have been hurt by my words.

But my mood was already bad because of Ragini bua's taunts but I was in a good mood after spilling tea on Tina, but Neil spoiled my mood again by calling that thing of mine wrong.

But his words were right but the time was wrong...because of Ragini bua, my bad mood was getting worse, On top of that, these period pains were making my mood worse by adding icing on the cake and I vented out all this anger on Neil, On that Neil who stands for me all the time.

But what should I do now, I have to apologize to him but since I told him to leave me alone Since then he first went out of the room and now he is not even at home.

Not even a week has passed since our marriage and I have fought with him so much and he is still sweet.
Where we should be enjoying this moment together, I am spoiling everything because of my overthinking and mood swings.

I know he is not showing it but he is hurt by my words and I need to apologize to him but how should I do so...don't know, I am scared to even call him...he might be angry with me...he might be angry with me and go out of the house.

What should I do, but then I don't overthink too much and just sit in the room waiting for him to come So that he comes and I first apologize to him.

I wait for him sitting on the bed reading my favorite love novel, while reading it, I imagine myself and my Neil in that story and a smile comes on my face.

I am reading that book with a smile, when suddenly I hear the sound of the door opening and my eyes immediately move away from the book and go to the door where Neil is standing with both his hands behind his back.

Avni pov Ends.

Neil pov. Start

Giving Avni her space, I left her alone in the room, I went straight down at that time and after breakfast, after talking to mom and dad, I went straight out of the house to buy lilies for my beautiful lily.

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