chapter 62

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2 months later.

Now two months have passed since Neil saw Avni in person....Every day, every morning he sees her through video call but after Shweta's words, he completely controls himself in not going to meet her.
This is the first time since the day she came into his life that he has not seen her in person for so long, He is missing her a lot and only he knows how he has stopped himself from going to her.

So other side, during these two months, Avni asked him many times to come and meet her whenever he was free but Neil always refuses her by making some excuse or the other. It is not easy for him to do this but he has started to see things differently, he has accepted that things in life will not always go as he has planned, He had planned a lot about his future with Avni but nothing happened as he thought.
But it's okay, he will accept whatever destiny wants, he will wait for her to come fully into his life and will never interrupt her to take decisions for her, she can do whatever she wants to do. whatever she wants he will accept happily because now he doesn't want anything from life except her, Even if he has to wait for her his whole life, he will do so but he also knows that his Avni will not make him wait much longer.

And now he has to prove to everyone that he can survive these 6 months without her, Everyone thinks that he might not be able to do this but he will prove to everyone how strong his love is.

Now he may be sad from inside but he does not let that sadness appear on his face. He goes to office on time, does all his routine on time, He calls her from time to time to inquire about her well-being, calls her during every meal to remind her to eat, and about everything else too.

He takes care of everything for her over the phone, if she ever feels like eating something and before she can get it herself, He orders it for her and she immediately gets it delivered to her door, she is always amazed at his speed.
Things just come out of her mouth and that thing is immediately present in front of her.

Other side, A lot has changed in Avni's life in these two months, being alone there, she focuses on some of her hobbies to pass her time.
Although she is busy with new work in the office and feels tired after coming back home but on weekends, she goes to dance classes to pass her time and also does one or two other things which she likes to do and which she wants to learn and she doesn't even realize how her time passes in all these things.

Gradually, she has started getting into the habit of doing her household chores as well; with Neil's help, she no longer has any pending work, whatever work she forgets to do, Neil reminds her over the phone and makes her do it by removing her laziness.

It is now night time, after coming back from office, to relax himself, Neil takes a shower and comes to the room from the washroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

He is about to step towards his closet when his phone starts ringing, He picks up his phone lying on the bed and sees that Avni's video call is coming...

He is about to pick up the phone when he remembers the state he is in right now, he can't show himself to her like this.

He disconnects her video call, calls her a voice call which she immediately picks up and Neil puts the phone on speaker and goes to his closet wearing his clothes

" Why did you disconnect my call, I wanted to see you..." She says as she picks up his call and Neil smiles hearing this.

" I am changing, wait, I will fulfill your wish in 2 minutes, Ma'am." He replies to her while putting the T-shirt over himself but on hearing this, her evil mind starts running.

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