chapter 84

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Previous chapter continues.........

" So, how do you feel after coming into this room as my wifey, my love......" he asks placing his chin on her shoulder to which she smiles, She sees how their pictures are posted on the walls of the entire room, which she has seen before but today she is feeling different happiness after seeing all this.

" Something which I have never felt before, today coming here I feel as if I have come home, you are my home..." She turns in his arms and hugs him, at which he smiles and kisses her forehead.

Both of them stay in their hug for a while and feel each other's silence, but then Neil breaks their hug and both look at each other.
And suddenly her eyelids lower in shyness when she sees the yearning for her in his eyes but she tries to step back at this time, It's not that she doesn't want what he wants, but suddenly she feels the sensation of butterflies dancing in her stomach, Which she is always unable to bear. she doesn't understand why, after spending so much time with him, even after crossing almost all limits, his one look at her makes her feel this.

" Neil, let me set out my clothes." A smile appears on his lips at her words, He knows that she knows what he wants at this moment, yet she is making excuses and somewhere he also knows the reason.

" I don't think you need to do this...Mom might not have left this work for you...but still, you want to check, so let's see..." Saying this he grabs her wrist and slides the door of their closet with her and as she comes inside, her eyes widen a little in surprise when she sees that all her clothes, footwear, and all the other necessary things, which Neela had sent here yesterday, are all arranged.
On one side are Neil's clothes and on the other side are hers.

" Isn't my mom the best? She didn't even give you a chance to do anything, everything is set

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" Isn't my mom the best? She didn't even give you a chance to do anything, everything is set." He says from behind, placing his hand on her one shoulder and his chin on the other, on which Avni smiles.

" No, our mom is the best." She says because now Shweta is not just his mom. And Neil smiles at her words.

" So, you don't have any work now, so let's do romance....." he whispers in her ear, on which she feels shy but to thwart his desires, she hits him lightly with her elbow in the stomach and pushes him back.
And turning towards him only to see his slightly startled face

" What?" He asks in disbelief, Why does she come in her tubelight form sometimes?

" Har waqt single track par rehna hai aapko....Maa ne rest karne ko kaha hai n...chalo rest karo..." Saying this with teasing smile, she immediately runs out of there towards the room before he can catch her.

Neil comes into the room stamping his foot

" Look, this is wrong, you can't torture me like this...It's been hours, I'm craving you." Starting with a loud tone, he switches to a slow tone while saying the last words, and makes his puppy face on which she gets awwie on him

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