chapter 81

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Avni comes to the room alone but as soon as she enters the room, she becomes a little surprised while standing at the door when she sees that their room is decorated again today.
Yes, not with flowers like yesterday but today with scented candles, the dim light and fragrance of those candles is making the atmosphere of the entire room pleasant.

And before she goes to the side of the door and turns on the lights, she feels two hands sliding from behind on her bare waist and it is not difficult for her to recognize this touch.

When she comes into the room and is admiring the beauty of the room, Neil comes behind her and locks the door slowly and holds her from behind.

" I love you wifey, I hope you liked my fix for the thing I messed up yesterday." Neil whispers this in his husky voice in her ear, placing his hand on her waist which sends a shiver down her spine, she had not expected this tonight.

But still, just as he spoiled their night yesterday, she will spoil this night today and with this thought, she tries to get out of his grip.

" Leave me, I want to change, I'm tired..." at her words he smiles and rubs his dried lips on her ear on which she again feels a slight shivering sensation

" You cannot snatch my rights from me...Now I have rights on you, on your clothes, on every inch of your body, i have the right to decide whether to allow you to change or not...I will decide everything...." He still whispers this to her in his low voice, on which she gulps,
Her breathing begins to rise up as he uses a dominating tone to say this.

" Have you understood what I said, Mrs. Khanna?" he says while caressing her bare stomach sliding his hand inside her saree, to which she sighs deeply.

" I will not forgive you for your mistake of yesterday." She can barely say these words and her words bring a smile to his face.

" I don't even need your forgiveness...I just need your love...If I get that, I will automatically get your forgiveness...." A shy smile appears on her lips at his words.

" I will make up for last night tonight, and every morning and night in the coming days, so that my wifey forgets last night...." his words make her blush

"So now, if you allow me, should I proceed to claim my rights?" He speaks while touching the pin of her saree attached to her shoulder which he is ready to free from her shoulder.

She just feels shy at his words but is unable to say anything, her chest keeps moving slightly up and down in this intimate atmosphere and seeing her like this, Neil, who is still pressing his lips to her ear, speaks further.

" Tell me, wifey, I will not move forward until you speak." At his words, she finds her throat drying up, but despite wanting to, she is unable to get the words out.

" Do I have permission to claim my rights on you?"

" Hmm..." is all she can whisper.

"In words, Avni " Saying this he bites her earlobe gently, on which she closes her eyes.

" You have all the rights, please don't hold back today, make me yours completely." She says in her soft voice

" Does this mean you want me as much as I want you?" He still uses his husky voice to which she closes her eyes and says yes in response.

" I will not stop today, so think once."

" I don't even want you to stop" At these words, Neil turns her in his arms in a swift move and she looks at him.

In the dim light of the room he sees her blushing face, he cups her face and kisses her forehead on which her nervousness is relieved and she looks at him with a calm expression.

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