chapter 97

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As India is 4 and half hours ahead of Germany in time.
So both of them took the flight from India to Germany at 12 noon.
So according to Indian time, they reached the hotel by 9 o'clock in the night after completing their flight.

But in Germany it is only 4:30 pm at that time.
So as they arrived in the evening and then after their short nap, and after their long make-out session both of them take a nap again.
And now it is 10 o'clock at night here.

But this time only Neil is sleeping, Avni is completely awake and is admiring the beautiful features of her husband sleeping close to her.
Both are still in their pure form, feeling each other skin to skin inside the quilt.

As Avni lies in his arms, she looks at the stray locks on his face which she brushes back with the help of her gentle fingers.

Seeing him like this suddenly a thought comes to her mind that why not take a picture of them because she likes to capture their moments.

She picks up her phone from the side table and then takes a mirror picture of them in the mirror in front of her

She takes 2 or 3 pictures of them, when she sees him turning other side, who after turning to the other side sleeps on his stomach

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She takes 2 or 3 pictures of them, when she sees him turning other side, who after turning to the other side sleeps on his stomach.

She also turns towards his back but gasps when she sees the marks of her nails on his back which are visible all over his back.
Might he be feeling pain from this? She thinks.

She touches his back with her light hands and there is a smile on Neil's lips because just by her touch he wakes up.

She kisses the mark on his back and feeling this, the smile on Neil's lips grows.

" "Are you still not satisfied, wifey ?" She hears his teasing words to which she smiles.

" What if I say no? I can never be satisfied with you, the more I get you, the more my desire to get you increases." He smiles at her words

And while saying this, she kisses his back again and he feels her lips and the thought of continuing to feel them makes him not turn towards her.

" Is it hurting you?" she asks, caressing the mark on his back, to which he smiles.

" I am ready to take this pain for the rest of my life, it is a sweet pain for me." She smiles at his words.

But immediately her naughty mind kicks in and she gives him a sweet taste of pain as she digs her nails into his back, to which he lets out a low yelp.

" What are you doing?" On his question she places her chin on his back.

"Giving you that sweet pain that you want to have for the rest of your life."
He smiles at her words but the way she's lying on his back isn't doing him any good.
Her front touches his back on which he closes his eyes to take a deep breath.

" By the way, I have won the challenge Mr. Energetic, see, I am still fresh and awake but you are sleeping tired... Now tell me who has less energy?" She still speaks with her chin on his back, to which Neil smirks

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