chapter 56

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Take a glimpse of Avni's house..👇


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After dropping Avni at her office, Neil comes back to her house where after coming back he does not understand how he can spend his time here without her.

But suddenly he first remembers his meeting which is going to be held today but now he cannot attend it by staying here.
Now no matter how digital the world becomes, some things remain offline and this meeting is also one of them, he cannot do this meeting online and the problem is that he did not bring any of his belongings with him nor a laptop to work, he came here for 2-3 hours, just to apologize to her, but now he will not be able to go to Mumbai before Monday.

So the first thing he does, without thinking anything, is take his phone in his hand and he calls his office and tells his assistant to cancel all his meetings scheduled for today and till Monday, his assistant is shocked by his words but does not question his boss and does whatever he asks him to do.

After that he again looks around his house and sees that things are scattered here and there, he thinks something and somewhere, by making proper use of his time, he thinks of improving the condition of her house.

That's why he once again opens his coat and this time also his shirt because the poor guy currently has only one shirt which he cannot get dirty and right now Avni is not here who might feel uncomfortable with him doing this.

He quickly starts cleaning her house, within no time her messy hall starts looking neat and clean, he puts things in their right places, after cleaning the hall, he goes to her room thinking something and sees that the condition of the room is also not very good...She did not live like this at her home, but perhaps due to lack of time, all this is happening, Or perhaps it is because she is not in the habit of doing household work.

He sees that, her bed is not made, which she might have forgotten to make in her hurry in the morning, he thinks...And then he first makes her bed and then cleans her room... keeps the scattered books and papers in their right places.

And then after about 2-3 hours, after cleaning the house, he thinks of freshening up, for which he uses her room washroom but as soon as he goes inside the washroom and stands near the basin to wash his face and opens the tap, his gaze goes back from the mirror.
Where there is a pile of clothes lying in a basket on one side.

He thinks that this girl doesn't have time to wash her clothes, Maybe she won't even get used to this, but now that she has chosen to live alone, how can she forget to do all these things and then without thinking much, he picks up the pile of her clothes and puts them in the washing machine to get cleaned and then when they are washed, he also hangs them to dry.

After doing all this, he again comes to the hall and sits on the couch, but as soon as he sees the clock striking 2 o'clock, he calls Avni.

" Hello Neil!." He hears her chirping voice from the other side, hearing which the slight tiredness he may have felt goes away.

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