Chapter 1

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Wednesday evening. 14th of August. I am pissed off watching one of my best friends, Fiona, flirting with the attractive man that came in a few minutes ago. He's tall, has smooth dark skin and big brown eyes.

In other words, he's hot.

But Fiona was faster than me so she got him.

Let me explain. Fiona and I are working in a music shop that belonged to her father. Now we own it, and since a lot of pretty men come in here and we both like men, we kind of run a competition? A game? I don't know, but the 'rule' is that the one who's quicker tries to flirt with the man, and if that one gets the number of the man, the following one is for the other one.

Childish, I know. But we kept that from when we were young. We always hated each other, because we had a crush on the same boy. That boy was first of all homophobic so he's nothing for me, second of all was he a piece of shit that cheated on his girlfriend. Fiona found it out, and she was very angry, so we decided to join forces and take vengeance together.

We were thirteen back then. Since that day, we're friends and always look for a boyfriend for the other one. A few years ago, I was twenty I think, we took over her dad's music shop, Richard's music paradise. Fiona's parents are divorced; she always lived with her mother in Doncaster, where I was born, while her father had this shop in here. Then we wanted to take it over and we started to play this game. What's unfair about it is that most men are straight, so I have no chance.

"Guess what!", Fiona shouts as the man leaves the shop, not having bought a thing. I roll my eyes. "He gave you his number and he's planning on taking you out?"

Fiona nods, her cheeks all red. "Ex-act-ly!" She takes apart the individual syllables of the word to create more effect. I raise my middle finger. "Fuck you."

The smile falls off her face. "Louis, why can't you be happy for me, you jealous shit?" She takes off her glasses and puts them on the counter. "I like him. He's cute."

"I fucking know he's cute!" I box her arm. "I am happy for you. It's just unfair that you get a hundred guys a day and I get none."

She smirks. "It's the brown eyes, Lou. Boys like brown eyes. And it's my blue hair."

"Maybe it's the fact that you're a girl and I am a fucking boy."

"A boy with a perfect ass and beautiful curves."

"Don't talk about my body like that!"

"At least you have an ass. I am fucking jealous."

"Stop it, asshole."

She laughs. "'m sorry Lou, but what do you want me to say? Straight boys are hot. The gay ones are the fifty-year-old pedophiles", she teases me.

"Oh my god, shut your fucking mouth." I turn around and start sorting the new CDs that got delivered. Ew. Justin Bieber. The taste of young people gets worse and worse. At least we still sell real, authentic music. Music educated people listen to. Music with good lyrics.

"Don't be pissed, Louis!", Fiona says. "I don't mean it like that."

I just ignore her. I love her, she's one of my best friends, right after Liam, but her homophobic comments are annoying. I know it's her humour, and if her best friend wasn't gay, her jokes would probably be different, and sometimes I even laugh about what she says, but I am frustrated. It's not like no one ever touches me, hell no, but people only want quick fucks, they never want more. See, I love having sex, I'd be a liar if I denied that. I fucking need it. But I also love being held afterwards. I love soft touches, I love long kisses, I love holding hands during romantic walks. But the only thing I'm getting is the sex.

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