Chapter 17

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About a week has gone by. Fiona had her abortion today. The shop will be temporarily closed; five days, because of the abortion and because maybe I'll have to look after her. I have been texting her all day, but she won't reply.

I mean, it's normal, I guess. She's probably sleeping, or something like that. But I'm so fucking worried.

At 3 a.m., my phone rings. It's an unknown number. Now see, I'm usually not up until that late, okay? But I haven't be able to sleep, yet.

"Hello?", I say into the phone.

"Louis?" Their voice sounds familiar. "It's Chris, Louis."

I gasp. "Oh my- Chris? Oh god, how's Fiona?!"

"Don't worry, she's fine."

I breathe out, feeling relieved. "Lord."

He laughs. "Yeah, she's fine, but really, really tired. She's currently sleeping."

"Should I come?"

"Nah, I don't think it's necessary. I mean, if she wants you to come, she'll tell you- or she'll tell me and I'll call you. I'm going to stay here until she's strong enough to live normally again."

"Great", I say, unable to believe what I'm hearing. "Amazing! Oh God." I smile happily. "Has she been in a lot of pain?"

"I think so. I couldn't stay during the procedure, but she looked like she'd been in pain."


"But, as I already said, don't worry about that. She's fine."

"How fucking great. I'm so glad right now, I can't even-" It's impossible for me to say what I'm thinking. "I'm so happy. Couldn't sleep the whole night, lad."

"Oh, that's why you answered the phone immediately! To be honest, I expected you to scream at me for waking you up or something like that."

"Nah, I'm not like that. I'm actually really sweet, believe it or not."

"I believe that." Some people talk in the background. "Anyway, I have to hang up now, some people are getting pissed here. I'll keep you updated, mate."

"Yes." I nod. "Could you please tell Fiona to call me as soon as she's able to?"

"Of course."

"Thank you so much, Chris. I'm so fucking grateful for that."

"Oh, I'm grateful for you. You're such a good friend to Fiona."

Well, not always. "And you're such a good boyfriend. It's great that you were by her side the whole time."

"I mean, that's kind of my job." And there are again those background noises. "Okay, so I really have to go now. Bye, Louis. Sleep well."

"Bye." I hang up with a smile on my face. Fiona's feeling well!

Instead of actually going to sleep, I get myself a beer. I'm not tired. I'm happy, and I need to celebrate.

I decide to text Liam that Fiona's fine in case Chris didn't call him as well. When that's done, my mind goes to Harry. I smile involuntarily and open the chat with him.

"Hi Curly xx just wanted to let you know that Fiona's fine. Her boyfriend called me a few minutes ago. Good night if you're still awake and good morning if you're asleep<3"

As soon as I send the text, I feel ashamed. That's just embarrassing! However, Harry replies immediately.

"Hello babe, thank you so much for telling me <3 I sadly can't sleep. Always thinking about you ;)"

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