Chapter 2

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"How does it come that you didn't get drunk and took some random boy home, but that you went with me and Sophia, Lou?", Liam asks me when we arrive at his place after going to the bar. I slap him. "Thanks for thinking that low of me, dickhead." I lie down at his sofa. "Didn't feel like it."

Liam's eyes widen immediately. "This is an emergency. Sophia, get him the medicine."

"Liam!", I yell, "Stop!"

"I'm not joking. The last time you acted like this was when you liked Connor. Do you- oh my god, Sophia, I think he likes someone! Who is he?"

"Shut up, dickhead!"

"Who is he?!" He intensely stares into my eyes. I blush. "A customer. His name is Harry."

"I knew it! Sophia, make some tea, please!" That low-key sounds sexist. Like, in a way of you're-my-girlfriend-I'm-the-man-obey. Whatever, Liam isn't like that. He's secretly an angel, I promise.

I sigh. "How are you doing this?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know..." I wait until Sophia leaves the room to prepare the tea. "Managing a relationship."

Liam smiles. "Ooooh, that's what it's about, I see. That Harry guy doesn't exist, right?"

"What? No, he does! It's just that... as you said, my last relationship was with Connor which was two years ago and it literally only lasted three months, and I feel fucking lonely all the time, and I miss having more than sex."

"Okay, now this is weird. Why are we talking about your sex life? That makes me uncomfortable." He swallows. "Do you top or bottom?"

"Who fucking cares?!" Depends on the sexpartner. I can do both. "Liam please, you know I hate you, you fucking shit, but I am asking for help, just once."

"You bottom, right? I see you limping sometimes." He disapprovingly shakes his head. "I'll tell that Harry guy that he should be more careful next time."

"Liam, I only met Harry once, alright? Please don't assume things without knowing anything. I just want you to give me an advice."

"Of course, Lou." Sophia comes in, places the cups in front of us and settles down on the lap of her boyfriend. I try not to pull a face. I hate couples that make out in public, couples that rub other people in their face that they're in a relationship. But Sophia and Liam are my friends and I love them.

"Tell us, Louis, what do you want to know?", Sophia asks. She's so polite. I smile at her. "Thanks, love." Then I sip on the tea. It's too hot, but it tastes nice. Good job, Soph.

I look up to both of them. Liam's arm is wrapped around Sophia's waist, pulling her close, and her head lies on his shoulder. I sigh. They're so cute I want to throw up.

"Louis, you should start, shouldn't you?"

"This is so awkward, I'm a fucking 23-year-old man asking my younger best friend and his girlfriend for relationship advice."

Liam laughs. "Lou, that's completely fine. I totally understand it."

I love Liam. I might act like he annoys me and everything (which he actually does but whatever), but in reality, I am very grateful to have him in my life.

I clear my throat. "So... I want to understand how your relationship work. Like, you guys are perfect for each other. How do you do that? I don't get it. Am I a bad partner?"

"There's hard work in a relationship", Sophia begins.

"That's true, but it also depends on the people. Like, maybe you always chose the wrong people", Liam adds.

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