Chapter 9

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"Lou? Babe, are you awake?"

I yawn and rub my eyes. I'm not. I want to sleep.


"Hmnhyah", I murmur. The person chuckles. "Louis!"

I open my eyes and look into the most intensive shade of jade green in this world. I'm immediately awake. "You stayed over the night", I whisper, not being able to believe this. Harry fucking stayed. This- this is so-... oh god. He's literally perfect.

"Of course I did!" Harry bends down and pecks my lips. "Should I have left?"

"No, no, no, no!" I aggressively shake my head. He isn't like the other guys. I knew it. "It's great this way!"

Harry smiles and bops my nose. I happily snuggle back into my new pillow a.k.a. Harry's arm.

"Nope", Harry protests, "I woke you up because my arm fell asleep, I am not going to let you sleep on it."

I pout and lift my head, so he pulls it away. "Should I make us breakfast?", he asks. I nod. "I can help you."

Harry gets out of the bed, puts on his boxers and takes my hands to help me up. I choose to put on a fresh pair of boxers as well before limping into the kitchen.

The pain is not that bad. (It is. But I am strong, so I have to act like nothing happened.)

"Are you fine?", Harry asks carefully. I nod. "It was definitely worth the pain", I reply with a wink. Harry smiles and follows me into the kitchen, still holding my hand.

"What do you want to do?"

"An omelette. Have you got a pan?"

"Of course." I reach for it and put it on the cooker. Harry opens my fridge and starts taking out the ingredients for the preparation. We cook together, and Harry even insists on making cookies. We eat the breakfast on the sofa, cuddling with each other. Then, Harry finally asks the question. "Yesterday was beautiful, wasn't it?"

"It was. I loved it."

"Good." He breathes out, visibly relieved. "On one of our first dates, you said that you thought that sex should be talked about in relationship. And... we didn't really do this."

"You're right. But it was fine, wasn't it? We should do this more often."

"Definitely." He smiles happily. "It's great that we can agree on that. However, I still think that we should talk. My last girlfriend always had sex with several people, and you know, in a relationship like that, it's not easy being of the jealous kind." He laughs dryly. "Which I am. Definitely."

"Oh boy, don't worry, so am I. Like, the thought of you fucking another person is triggering me really much right now." It actually does.

"Wonderful." He grins. "So no sex with other people? Just the two of us?"

"Uhm, actually, we aren't in a relationship, so there's no limit yet... but why would I want to fuck another person?"

"You jerk." Harry throws a piece of a half-burned cookie in my face. "But, same with you. That was the best first time I ever had with a person."

"Are you being serious or are you only trying to get me in my bed again?"

"Let's check." Harry smirks and puts his arms around my torso to get me on his lap. He starts kissing my jaw, when suddenly, his phone bleeps. First, we ignore it and Harry starts to create a hickey, but then, it interrupts us over and over again. Harry groans and loosens his grip to take his phone. He sighs. "It's Zayn and Niall. They probably think someone kidnapped me."

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