Chapter 20

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I look up as I hear the familiar voice. "Niall? Oi, come over, mate!"

Niall enters the shop, quickly greets a happy, not-pregnant Fiona who's advising a customer and comes over at me. "Hi!"

"Hello, lad! How are you?"

"I'm great, thanks for asking!" Niall smiles his beautiful smile. "How 'bout you?"

"I mean... life, right?" I wave at a customer who's looking at me. She comes over at me and hands me the t-shirt she's buying.

"Oh, I understand. I mean at least it's December, and Christmas is coming." He raises an eyebrow. "Isn't your birthday on Christmas eve?"

I nod, surprised. "It is, how d'you know that?"

"Oh, Harry told me."

I shake my head fondly. "That little fucker." I put the t-shirt in a bag and give it to the woman, who's paying before mumbling a short 'thank you' and leaving the shop. I turn around to Niall, resting my forearms on the counter. "He loves to talk, doesn't he?"

"He loves to talk about you." He chuckles. "You're driving him completely crazy."

"Are you trying to flirt with me... for Harry?"

"No, I'm not. I swear to god that I'm only being honest. Although it'd probably be funny to flirt for someone."

I shake my head, laughing. "You're silly. Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"Can't I just say hello to a friend?"

"You could, but why would you? And we barely know each other. We're acquaintances, maximally."

He pouts. " According to my feelings, that's not true. I see you as a friend. I told you about my love life, which means you're my friend."

I smile. "If you say so. Now, tell me."

He grins. "Okay, you got me. Christmas presents."

"Oooh! Who for?"

"Zaynie. He's never been here, and he loves music and old things so I thought I might a CD or something for him."

"Of course. What does he like?"

"Uh, being alone, cuddling with me, his girlfriend-"

"I meant as in 'what is his music taste', love."

"Oh-ohhhh. Uhm... he likes a lot. Reggae? Bob Marley. But also old-school rap; 2pac and Biggie. And Michael Jackson. Who doesn't like Michael Jackson?"

"Let's stick with Marley."

"Okay." Niall giggles happily and follows me to the reggae section.

"We've got a lot of albums, compilations, 'best of's and we've even got fan stuff. I'm sure we'll find something nice. D'you know which albums he's got?"

"Yes", Niall replies and points at three albums. We chat for a little while, searching the most appropriate music for Zayn, putting it in a beautiful bag with the Ethiopian flag on it, to encourage Bob Marley the Rastafari.

"Thank you so much, Louis. You're a genius", Niall says as I hand him the bag. I smile. "Oh, I know. Soooo... what'd you get Harold?"

Niall raises an eyebrow. "Why?"

"I'm kind of insecure because Harry and I said we would get each other small gifts and I don't want him to be insecure."

"Oh, he'll love it either way. He really didn't get you, like, a whole lot for Christmas. But anyway, I got him a coat he was eye-fucking last time we went shopping."

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