Chapter 5

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"Okay, so you went on a date with him? Fiona, pass me the beer", Liam says. We're sitting in a little circle in my apartment while I'm telling them about Harry. Fiona reaches for the bottle and hands it to Liam. He drinks a little, only to spit it out. "You went on a date with him?!" The whole liquid lands on my shirt. That fucking dick.


Fiona only laughs. Thanks Fiona, you're a good friend.

"Yes, I needed to create a drama effect."

"Fucking dickhead. I'll go change. Fuck you, Liam." I get up, frustrated, and change into another T-shirt. Liam should go fuck himself.

When I return, Liam is holding a pack of cigarettes in his hand while Fiona is playing with my lighter. "How did you guys even find this?!", I yell, "If you want to smoke, go to the balcony!"

"Sophia doesn't let me smoke inside the house either", Liam complains.

"Well, then she's fucking smart! The smell of smoke is impossible to get out of the pillows, the carpets and the curtains!"

"You're boring", Fiona says.

"And you are dickheads. If you want to smoke, go to the balcony."

She rolls his eyes. "Then I don't want to smoke."

"Me neither", Liam adds. He takes another sip of the beer and I immediately move away in case he decides on spitting it out again. This time, he luckily swallows it.

"Okay, tell us", Fiona orders. I nod excitedly and start telling them how the date went. "... and in the end, we hugged, and it was a really deep, intense hug, and I loved it. We stayed like that for a few minutes, then I returned home", I finish. While I told my story, large smiles grew on their faces.

"That's the cutest shit I've ever heard", Liam says, but it doesn't sound like a compliment.

"I know right? That's the kind of shit Louis wants."

"Uhm, duh? I mean I have told you guys several times what kind of relationship I want, and this is perfect."

"Woah Louis, remember that it's only been the first date", Liam says. He looks concerned.

"Argh, you don't know Harry. I swear, when I first saw him, from across the room, I could tell that he's going to be my future husband."

"Louis, you're scaring me", Fiona says. "I love you and I respect you, but don't get too attached to him. I mean what if he leaves after you have sex for the first time? What if he breaks your heart? You are so naive."

"He won't break my heart." I trust him. He makes me feel safe, even after very little time.

"Louis, don't get too much into that, remember Connor-"

"You can't compare that douchebag to Harry fucking Styles! Harry refused on coming in with me after the date because he's a fucking gentleman who doesn't just want to fuck. Connor fucked me on the fucking toilet of a shop when we had our first time together! You cannot compare that. Every man who only wants a quick fuck would've said yes. I mean, I didn't even want us to fuck, I wanted to make him tea or something, but who knows in what it could've ended." I cross my arms. Overprotective friends. "Don't forget who's the oldest in here."

"Don't forget who came to me and my girlfriend and asked for relationship advice one and a half month ago", Liam counters.

"Whatever. I know what I'm doing."

"Correction: you think you know what you're doing", Fiona intertwines.

"Why did you want me to tell you about our date if you only wanted to judge me?", I ask.

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