Chapter 8

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"Guess who's there!", Harry mumbles into my right ear as he covers my eyes with his hands. He just entered our shop (as if I didn't see him outside, fucking hell) and decided to be extremely adorable. But I'm grateful, because today, I'm working alone because Fiona is ill.

"My stupid-ass lover", I grunt. Harry chuckles and turns me around to him. "Hi Lou." He looks happy and kind of excited. I fix my fringe and smile at him, because he's just so wonderful. He's kind and smart and beautiful and just Harry.

"Hi babe." Yes, I just called him babe. Harry smiles, it feels like we're in a pink bubble full of happiness and joy.

"I've got a gift for you", he suddenly says, looking at the ground. Why is he so shy now?

"Oh really? What is it?"

"I hope you like it", he mumbles , blushing a little.

"Of course I will."

Harry pulls out a bunch of flowers. Fucking flowers.

Now see, since I was fourteen, when I got my first boyfriend, no one has ever bought me flowers. Like, no one. I sometimes even bought some for my lovers, not really often because flowers are expensive, but I did it. But I never received flowers.

I personally think that flowers are the best thing ever, like they are beautiful and they make you feel good and healthy. Sometimes I buy flowers for myself, just because they're beautiful and they bring life into my apartment. Flowers are just so underrated, especially if you're a man. If you're a man, you can expect that you'll never get any. Flowers are gorgeous and smell good, they bring good ambience and spread positivity.

The tulips that Harry is holding are purple, blue and pink, and they are so beautiful. I can't even say anything, I'm so surprised and flustered and... happy. I am fucking happy, because receiving flowers feels amazing. I love them. I love them so much. Harry is amazing.

"Louis? Do you like it?", Harry, my perfect Harry asks carefully. I can't speak, so I gently take the flowers out of his arms, place them on the counter and jump into his arms. The feeling in my belly is so beautiful, warm, and sweet, and I can't pack into words what I'm feeling right now. Harry catches me and puts his arms around my body, pressing me against his chest, my legs all wrapped around his torso. I squeeze my face into his neck, holding him tightly, while he's laughing against my ear. "So, you do like them", he concludes.

"I fucking love them", I sniffle, I fucking can't believe he did this for me. This is fucking amazing, so nice and such a couple-likely thing to do. Flowers. Fucking flowers.

Harry caresses my back and places me on the ground again, looking happier than ever. His eyes are sparkling, and when I grab the flowers to smell them, he even takes my hand. He presses his soft lips on top of it, then pulls me closer to quickly peck my lips. I pull him into a long kiss, pressing him against the counter. Harry puts his hands on my back and strokes my skin with his thumbs while conquering my mouth, and the butterflies are back and I...

"Want more", I whisper as we pull away, out of breath.


"I want more", I blush and look down at the flowers.

"Are you talking about the flowers or do you want us to have sex?"

"I..." This is so awkward. Who thought that a bunch of flowers can tear apart the walls I carefully built in the past weeks? I thought I wasn't ready. How does it come that this slipped out of my mouth? I'm really embarrassing myself.


"I'm sorry, I'm just very happy about the flowers. I've never received flowers before, and this just shows me that you like me a lot which makes me happy, so I..."

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