Chapter 4

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When the doorbell rings, I check myself one last time in the mirror to make sure I look good. I shaved and tried to style my hair a little, but I didn't put it up because that would be too much for the first date. I'm wearing tight black jeans and a cute white jumper. This must be fine.

I quickly open the door and see a wide smiling Harry. He's wearing the pink shirt, his necklace, a few bracelets and his rings, and he also did something with his hair. It falls differently.

"Hi", he mumbles.


"You look... you look stunning."

"Thank you." I smile. "So do you." He looks so good. So manly and, I don't know, beautiful.

Harry clears his throat. "Should we, uhm, leave?"

"Of course." I close the door of my apartment and we go downstairs to his car. It's one of those rich guy cars, a black Mercedes. I must admit, I'm impressed. I do have a drivers license, but I don't own a car; I mostly walk by myself or I use the Tube. How can that 21-year-old go to university and have such an expensive car? He must be rich.

Harry opens the passenger door and lets me take a seat. I thank him (why is he that cute) and put on my seatbelt. Harry sits down on the driver's seat and does the same. "It's fine that I drive, right?"

"Of course." I haven't driven a car in months.

During the ride, Harry and I don't say a word, but the silence is comfortable. I sometimes look over to Harry, my sunkissed date, and he's smiling the whole time. He looks so happy and adorable. I still can't believe he asked me out.

"'m so excited", he mumbles. I just smile. I wonder where he's going to take me. I really hope we are going to get along well, because I like him. A lot.

When we arrive, Harry opens the door for me. He even takes my hand and helps me get up. Such a sweet person. "You gentleman", I say, "you didn't lie when you told me your mum raised you well."

Harry laughs and lets my hand go. "Where are we going?", I ask. Harry places his hand on my back and says: "Follow me." He leads me to a small, expensive looking restaurant. "Hi, I reserved on Styles", Harry says to the waiter as we enter the restaurant. Is his surname Styles? Because if so... oh my god.

When we sit down, we immediately have a look at the menu card, and all the food looks good. I choose to take a fancy burger because I love burgers and because I don't know if I have to pay, so I won't take anything too expensive.

After Harry chooses his meal, we take the order and also order a bottle of wine.

"So, your surname is Styles?", I ask.

"Yeah, it is." He smirks. "What's yours?"

"Mine's Tomlinson." Harry Tomlinson sounds better than Louis Styles. We should take my surname.

"Really? That name sounds so good." He looks up and smiles. I'm sure he's also thinking of taking my surname when we will marry.

"Thank you." I take a sip of the wine. It's good wine. Sweet, but not too sweet. "So, tell me something about you, Styles."

"Uhm..." He bites his lip. "Well, I study art in university with my friend Zayn, and him, Niall and I are living in a house. I have an older sister called Gemma, I love cats, my favourite colour is blue and I'm bisexual. I love children but since I don't have younger siblings or anything like that I sadly can't interact with them. Oh, and I love guacamole."

I pull a face. "Guacamole? Fucking avocados. Worst vegetable ever. Avocados are overrated."

"What? No, they aren't! Avocados are so good."

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