Chapter 21

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"Ok, explain."

I groan loudly, avoiding to look at Liam. "No."

"Lou, you should be glad that I was too hungover yesterday to talk with you after partying, and you should be even more glad that I drove here today only for you to talk because you aren't well at the moment. Talk to me."

"I can hate you sometimes."

"I know."

I sigh and sink into the pillows of my couch. "You're lucky you're my best friend, you and Fiona. It's really not that big of a deal, y'know?"

"I mean, if it's big enough to make you upset, it's big enough for you to tell me."

So I tell him about the situation, explaining all the factors. Liam gives no reaction until I'm done talking. He remains silent, until I look at him expectantly, waiting for a reaction.

"I could've lend you money", is the first thing he says, and the exact thing I didn't want to hear at all.

"No", I say, hiding my face in my hands. "I don't want that! Mum and Daniel suggested the same thing. I don't want to owe other people that much money. And it's too late now anyway."

"Louis, family is more important than money."

"Yes, but my family chose to move away. I need money to visit them."

"And I could've given you that money", he replies softly.

"Shut up", I groan, "You obviously don't understand. Of course you don't. Your family lives in the same country as you do and you have a car and even if you didn't, you could simply use a train. You see them multiple times a month, you don't miss them, god, I just miss them so much."

"Hey, I'm here to help you."

"You aren't helping at all."

"But... don't you feel a little better now, after having talked it off?"

"Actually, no. I really don't."


I cross my arms and look at my lap, feeling uncomfortable.

"I mean, you can come with me and Sophia. We're going to Austria to do ski."

"That sounds like a very bad idea. Third-wheeling doesn't sound that good, Liam."

"I know, but just know that you're always welcome."

I only nod. I know that he says that, and he probably also really means it, but I'm not their child, for fuck's sake.

"Y'know what? I'll make you tea." He gets up and pats my shoulder before going into the kitchen.

I grab my phone to distract myself from my thoughts. There, I can find a message from Lottie, two from an unknown number- Hector?-, five from Mark and one from Harry, as always. I open the chat with my lover, who can always cheer me up.

"Just went shopping for Christmas and I got reminded of you xx"

I frown and click on the photo he added, only to see the HUGE butt of a mannequin in a underwear shop. I grin and shake my head.

"What the fuck Harry?"

He replies immediately. "They got a big booty just like you ;)"

"You're weird"

"I know I am<3"

A stupid smile forms on my lips. "Of course you do."

"What's up?"

"Liam's here. We're drinking tea. How about you? Shouldn't you be studying?"

"You're better than studying xx"

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