Chapter 3

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Turns out that Fiona was wrong. Because three weeks later, the thirteenth of September, Harry and I still haven't done anything, even though he came very often, always buying what I recommended. In those three weeks, all I did was selling CDs in our shop and partying with Liam and Fiona. We also celebrated Liam's birthday which was pretty fun. In all that time, I haven't fucked anyone. I don't even know why, but I'm pretty sure it's the fault of a certain green-eyed man.

"Hi, Louis!", said man greets me as he enters the shop.

"Hello Harry, how are you doing? How's university?"

He smiles. "Pretty good. It's one of my best friend's birthday today."

"Oh really! Then why are you here? You should spend the day with them."

"I wanted to see you."

I can feel the way Fiona stares at us when Harry says this.

"Thanks", I mumble because I don't know what else to say. "I... I like your shirt." It's the pink one with the polka dots.

"You always say that", Harry laughs.

"I know, but your shirts are so cool!" They suit him so well. I lean forward and bravely tug at the collar of his shirt. "Especially this one." When my finger touches his chest, he blushes a little. "Thank you Louis..."

I look up at his beautiful face and smile. I want to caress his cheek. I wonder if it's soft. It probably is because he's perfect.

"No problem. So, what do you want today?"

"I thought that maybe I could buy something for my friend Niall? I mean I've already got a gift but, yeah it's his birthday and it would be publicity for your shop, so it's a win-win-situation."

"Of course. What does Niall like?"

"Uhm, intense hugs, his guitar, Ireland, Food, Beer-"

"I was talking about music, Harry."

"Oh-" He chuckles. "Well, I think he likes The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac... Oh and he also loves Michael Bublé. However, he only discovered him very recently and only owns two albums."

"Do you know what albums?"

"His debut album and 'totally Bublé'."

"Okay, thank you." I go over go the drawer with Bublé's albums and search the album it's time, the one that contains the song feeling good. I find it immediately. "Here you go."

"Thank you so much Louis. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"No problem, ba- Harry."

Harry, cute, handsome Harry, smiles warmly. Then he asks: "Do you guys also wrap the gifts?"

"Uhm-" Fiona does this. But I need to impress Harry. "Of course. I'll get the wrap paper."

Yes. I can't wrap gifts.

Harry soon also knows it, because I honestly can't deal with that fucking paper. "Louis? Is everything... okay?"

"Err, yes." I swallow. "Is it so obvious that I have no idea what I'm doing?"

"Very obvious." Harry chuckles, and god, that's so awkward. "I'll help you. Can I come to you behind the counter?"

"Of course, Harry." He's trying to help me after all. Harry comes up to me and stands very close beside me. His arm even touches mine. I shiver immediately and try not to move away, but I also don't want him to notice that I'm nervous. "Louis, you need to relax", he says.

Well, I can't fucking relax while you are standing next to me. "Mhm", I reply. Harry laughs. "Please give me the scissors."

"Of course." I reach for them and give them to Harry. He smiles gratefully and starts cutting the paper.

It all started with a CDWhere stories live. Discover now