Chapter 11

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"Can't wait to get you inside of me again", I grunt as I eagerly strip down Harry's shirt. He moans sexily and starts biting my neck, and I push him on his bed and climb on his lap.

Now see, after the evening with our friends, we decided to see each other as often as possible if it fits with the schedule of his university. Since then, we only met two times, and all we did was kissing and cuddling. This means today is the third time, I picked him up at his university (which means that I waited on a bench and he drove us with his car), and we decided to head straight to his house. Harry looks fucking gorgeous today, he came out of the building with a headband, a plain white t-shirt and a bright smile, so I obviously couldn't resist him. All of this led to right now, both of us lying on his bed, aggressively making out with each other.

When we arrived, we didn't even greet his friends, we went straight to his room, him gripping on my shirt. Harry's hands wander to my trousers, unable to get them off.

"Why do you have to wear skinny jeans", he moans, "they're so tight and impossible to get off."

"But they make my thighs look good."

"Oh yes, that's fucking right. Forget what I just said. Never stop wearing them. You look so hot."

I giggle and press my pelvis down on his. Harry grunts and his fingers are on my bum again. "However, I think you look even better without any clothes."

"Oh do you?"

"I do." He lifts my face and pecks my lips. "I definitely do. Please take them off."

I snort. "Do it yourself, jerk."

"With pleasure, but it's so hard."

"So is your dick, but do I complain?"

Harry groans and rips the trousers open, so that the button flies away and the crotch is ripped completely. I am going to kill him for that later, but as the trousers slide down my legs, leaded by his big, gentle hands, I forget about it. Harry flips us around and starts kissing my neck. "You", kiss, "are", kiss, "so", another kiss, "pretty."

"Stop it, Harry."

"I won't." He shakes his head while his hands are sliding down my curves. "I won't stop 'til you truly believe it."


Harry quickly takes off his own trousers before moving on to my boxers. He's taking them off so urgently, as if he couldn't wait to see me naked. As soon as they're off, he takes my hard cock in his mouth, not even thinking of preventing (which is fine for me because I'm tested negative on the diseases, but still). I gasp loudly and press my pelvis against his face without purpose, too surprised to think straight. Harry takes all of it so easily, as if he's used to it, grabbing me by my hips. My hands creep up to his long curls, pulling at them. Harry looks up at me, and I can feel how those green eyes look through me. He winks at me, and only a few nanoseconds later, goosebumps are all over my skin. Harry quickly pulls away and starts placing small kisses on my inner thighs, and I unintentionally moan loudly, very loudly. A small smile forms up on his lips, and suddenly, he licks a long stripe along my right inner thigh. I dig my fingers deep into his hair and desperately wrap my leg around his upper body. "Babe!"

Harry comes up to me and pecks my nose. I grip on his broad shoulders and press him closer against my body, rolling my hips over and over again. We connect our lips to a long, passionate kiss, and his hands slide down to my hips, carefully stroking them. I can still taste the coke he drank on his lips, mixed with his own, very unique taste.

"Louis", he mumbles on my cheek as I keep on pulling him closer to myself.

"What", I reply, breathing heavily.

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