Chapter 24

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After making ourselves comfortable on my couch, Harry finally wants to give me my present.

"Okay, ready?", he asks excitedly while tying his hair into a messy bun.

"Always", I reply, resting my fingers on his chin. He looks like a happy little child.

"Alright." He gets up, leaving me cuddled into blankets and pillows, before grabbing his keys. "I'll just go grab it in the car. Be right back. And remember, this will be my birthday gift for you. Not my Christmas gift!"

I only nod and smile, happier than ever.  Harry's so good to me, I feel like I don't deserve him.

He only returns after little time, humming a song I can't recognise. There's a huge bag in his hand, and he immediately jumps on the couch again. "Gift!"

I chuckle. "Gift?"

"Yeah. Gift." He blinks. "For you. Take it."

I laugh and grab the bag. "I don't want to open it, Harry."

"What? Yes! I want to see you opening it."

"But what if it's some great shit I can never pay you back?"

"Babe, it's a gift. You don't have to pay it back."

"That's not what I mean, more like in a way of what-should-I-give-him-since-he-got-me-that-cool-stuff, you know?"

"Ohhhh. Well, don't worry about that. Go ahead, please."

I open the bag and look into it. There are multiple small presents, which are individually wrapped in gift paper.

"I wrapped them myself. You know, I can wrap presents, not like you", Harry brags. I fondly roll my eyes at him. "Fuck you."

"If you insist..."


Harry laughs. "No, but honestly now, you're making me nervous. Open it!"

I take out the first small packet. It's a box. Harry laughs to himself while I unpack it. "Here we have... Christmas tea?!"

"Yeah!", Harry laughs. "Because you didn't have any! Now you do."

"Oh my god." I laugh a little with him, before placing it to the side. Then I take out the second one. My breath stops when I see what it is. "'Definitely maybe' by Oasis?? Signed by Noel Gallagher?! Harry, how?"

Harry shrugs, smirking cockily. "I have my ways, you know."

"I fucking can't believe this! I didn't have this one yet! How did you know?!" I quickly hug him , a little too harsh, a little too excited. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Babe!", Harry laughs, "I'm not done yet!"

I quickly peck his cheek before going back to the presents. The next thing is a band t-shirt from a heavy metal band I've heard about. It's fucking gorgeous and I love it. I will wear this every day for the rest of my life. The last present is a book about psychology, and even though I don't read that much, this is the most interesting topic to read about and it makes me so fucking happy. For some reason, I didn't expect him to know me that well, but the fact that he does makes me feel so appreciated.

Which means that I spend the following time on thanking and kissing him, unable to hold back my happiness and my love for the things he got me. I can't wait to read that book, and I want Harry to know that I'm so grateful for everything he gave me. Everything.

"Thank you", I whisper, kissing his forehead. "Thank you."

"I got it, my love", he replies. "And I'm glad you like it. Really glad." He chuckles, slowly pushing me away. "But I was thinking that maybe we should get ready to go out? When is your family going to call you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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