Chapter 10

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"Where are they", I mumble, checking the time over and over again.

"Relax, Louis", Liam replies, "they're probably a little late."

"Or they don't want to come anymore. We haven't seen each other since Wednesday... Maybe Harry lied to me and he didn't like it with me and now he doesn't want to date me anymore, but he didn't want to hurt my feelings so he-"

"Louis." Liam places his hands on my shoulders and turns me around to him so that I'm facing him. "Stop freaking out. Maybe they're stuck in a traffic jam."

"Maybe", I murmur.

"Shush. You trust Harry, don't you? And it's only a little group meeting."

"But I want my best friend to like my lover."

"I already like him! He had a Spiderman ca-"

"No", I cut him off, "No. Not the Spiderman car."

"Whatever. You're overreacting, it's only five minutes past eight and they're probably going to be here in a few seco-"

"HARRY!", I shout as I see the curly haired lad climbing out of his huge car, his two friends behind him. Harry immediately sees me and his eyes sparkle. He looks so gorgeous, with his hair tied in a messy bun and that red shirt that doesn't cover any skin because it's completely opened. I grab Liam's underarm and pull him towards Harry, Niall and Zayn. Then I'm finally facing my beautiful lover. He stares into my eyes, then he grabs my face and kisses me. I can hear Niall 'aw'-ing, but I couldn't care less right now. He could die and I would still kiss Har- okay no, I can't let this cute blonde Irish boy die, but you get what I mean.

When we pull away, we happily smile at each other, then Harry grabs my hand and we turn around to our friends.

"Well, that was awkward", Zayn mumbles.

"Uhmmm, anyway", I cut him off with a bright red face, "Liam, this are Niall and Zayn. Niall, Zayn, meet my best friend Liam."

They shake each other's hands and smile at each other. "Enchanted."

"Should we, uhm, get inside?", Harry asks, squeezing my hand. They nod. "Of course", Niall says, "Can't wait to drink. I haven't drunk a good Guinness for a while."

"I doubt that you will get here-" I don't dare to finish my sentence because Harry shakes his head. "Err, never mind. Let's go in."

"Lou, remember your promise", Liam whispers. I nod and squeeze his shoulder. "Don't worry, Payno. I will not leave you alone."

One and a half hour and a few beers later, we're all sitting on the counter, chatting loudly. I'm sharing a chair with Harry, half sitting on his lap, because there aren't enough chairs. It's really full. Everyone is already a little drunk, everyone but Liam and Zayn since they have to drive. Liam only had two beers and Zayn one.

"So I told 'em I was Irish, right", Niall babbles, "and he really said 'I thought you were Australian!' Like, is he dumb? Does my accent sound Australian?! Not at all! NOT AT ALL!!" He disapprovingly shakes his head. "People are so stupid, yeah!"

"I know that. Many people ask me if I'm Mexican, and I'm originally from Pakistan, but I'm born in fucking Bradford", Zayn agrees. I quickly turn around to him. "Wait, really?"


"I'm from Doncaster!" I raise my hand for a high-five. "Yorkshire lads!"

"Yorkshire lads!" He strikes.

"Yorkshire tea is the best tea ever, isn't it?", I ask.

"Mhm, definitely!"

"Why are we talking about tea in a bar?!", Liam asks. Everyone bursts out in laughter. Harry wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer. "Don't fall", he mumbles.

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