Chapter 16

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After the boys are awake, completely confused, and after finally having understood that I am not a illusion but that I'm actually here, Niall complains about being hungry. "I dreamt about food and now I want food", he grunts. I chuckle. Niall glares at me. "Why is that funny?", he asks, his voice all quiet and dangerous. Zayn behind him does weird signs with his hands, it looks like he's cutting up is throat with a knife or something.

"I don't know Nialler, it just is", I reply. Niall  groans, gets up and goes to the kitchen.

"Harry!", Zayn whispers, "You've warned him about hungry Niall, haven't you?"

"I'm afraid I forgot about that", Harry replies, terror in his eyes. Zayn facepalms.

"What the fuck is happening?", I ask, genuinely confused. Zayn stares at me with wide eyes. "Hungry Niall is the most dangerous living being you'll ever find on this planet", he says. "You have to hide whenever he's nearby. You cannot mess with him."

"...what?!" What kind of shit are they talking about? Is this some stupid prank? "I don't understand."

Zayn sighs. "Okay, so we all know that Niall is the sweetest creature ever, right?"

I nod while Harry shakes his head. "Louis is", he protests, "Louis and kittens."

"Harry, shut up. I'm trying to teach him a lesson. You can tell him that next time you're sucking him off."

My eyes widen and I cover my mouth with my hand. How did he...

Zayn grins and points at Harry's shirt. "A cumstain. It's not even dry yet. I'd wipe it away before Niall sees it. Else he'll go crazy."

Harry blushes cutely and does as Zayn tells him. "Anyway", Zayn carries on, "Hungry Niall is like a different person. He is something you really shouldn't tease or annoy in any way. He once scraped me."

"Zee, you're exaggerating", Harry replies, "He did that accidentally."

"That's true, but still. Hide from hungry Niall." Zayn's still staring at me. "Harry and I also call him: Angry Stomach."

"Only you call him that way and this name is disgusting."

I nod. "It really is."

"Also, and this is really, really important, you can't-" As Zayn starts his next sentence, Niall walks in, a bag of crisps is his hands.

"Oi mate, can I have one?", I ask him. Niall stares at me again, then he throws the bag on my face and storms out.


"ask him for a piece", Zayn finishes, his eyes looking scared. "Louis, you can't ask him for a piece unless he's started eating it!"

"I mean I've got a bag of crisps now", I reply. "It's even still closed."

"Lucky you", Harry says, "Can I have a crisp?"

I hand the bag to my lover, who opens it and starts eating them.

"Man Louis, you've got balls of steel", Zayn says. "I'll go join him. He has to know he can't kill you."

Zayn gets up and runs after Niall. Harry immediately puts his arms around me and pecks my nose. "In five minutes, Niall will come out of the kitchen and be the cute little boy he always is. You'll see."

I laugh and kiss him. "I know that."

And that's exactly what happens. When Zayn and Niall come back, Niall smiles at me and greets me just like nothing happened. He sits down next to me and starts talking about his life.

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