Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


I'm currently sitting in Liam's living room, him on my right, Fiona on my left. Fiona is telling us how the abortion will work, and when they'll do it.

"The total cost would be around £370", Fiona says. I nearly choke on my beer. "Sorry?!"

"It's not that much, to be honest.."

"It is though", I mumble. Liam nods. "I agree. That's so fucking expensive."

"I mean, the health insurance will pay a big part, and Chris and I will split the rest up.."

Nevermind, That doesn't sound too expensive.

"I should normally rest 1-2 days before going back to my normal activities, but it's possible that I'll bleed and get cramps during the following days."

"Would it hurt?", Liam asks. Fiona shrugs. "That depends on the person. I don't know."

"So when will you do it?", I ask hesitantly.

"In one week."

I nod slowly. "Great."

"I know!"

"Do you want me to go with you?"

She shrugs. "I don't know, Louis. I'd really appreciate it, but I feel like I only want to have Chris there during that time. And you'd probably faint when seeing a vagina."


"She's right. You're like 10% too gay", Liam agrees.

"I'm not! I'm perfect." I roll my eyes. "But okay. I respect that."

"However", Fiona grins, "I wouldn't mind you being by my side afterwards."

I nod. "Of course. I could cook for you and clean and whatever else best friends do."


We keep on chatting a little, until Liam brings up the question. "So, how did you tell your parents?"

"I didn't", Fiona says calmly. Liam and I exchange a look. He frowns. "Why... why not?"

She shrugs. "Don't want them to scream at me. I'll do it when it's done."

I nod slowly. That sounds smart. It's her baby, not her parents'. She gets to decide what she wants to do.

Suddenly, the door opens and Sophia enters the house.  She looks surprised that we're here, but she comes immediately over at us and greets us. "Hi, babe!", She gives Liam a kiss. "Hi Louis, Fiona, my dear!" After waving at me, she hugs Fiona. Fiona hugs her back immediately. Liam raises an eyebrow. I understand him; the two women have never been really close.

"Liam told me about it! Are you fine?", Sophia asks. Fiona smiles and nods. "Thank you."

Sophia interlaces their arms. "We have to go talk about girl's stuff. Follow me, love." They go out of the room and leave a surprised Louis behind.

"Woah", I say. "This is new, right?"

Liam chuckles. "Yes, Lou. But Sophia was in the same case a few years ago. When I told her, she immediately felt bad for Fiona. I think she wants to warn Fiona about the progress."

"Sophia had an abortion?" This news to me. Liam nods. "Yes, her ex-boyfriend got her pregnant when she was only sixteen."

"Wow, that's young. Like, really fucking young."

"I know. She was way too young." He sighs. "That's just sad."

"I agree. But at least, abortion is legal here."

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