Chapter 18

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"No Louis, you wrote half a dozen eggs, not a dozen eggs!"

"I should know what I wrote! And Fiona's my best friend, she called me not you, so I know it!"

After our interesting adventure in his university, Harry and I are standing in the middle of a grocery shop, searching the items Fiona needs and also getting my groceries.

"But you literally wrote half a dozen eggs!"

"I did not."

"You did! Look!" Harry holds the list in under my nose. I grab it and turn away, frowning a little while reading the words. "Peaches, apples, oranges, bread, butter, half a dozen eggs-... oh."

Harry crosses his arms and grins triumphing. "See?! I was right, you were wrong! Ha!"

I roll my eyes at him. "Yeah, I got it." I take six eggs out of the trolley and leave the remaining ones inside. "Anyway, let's move on to the meat. I need some."

Harry stares at me angrily, not moving a centimetre. "Are you not going to apologise to me?"

I sigh. "Okay. I'm sorry, Harry. You were right. Are you contented now?"

Harry seems pleased, because he just grabs my hand again and continues pushing the trolley around. He starts humming a Rihanna song, peacefully walking around. We probably look like a married couple to strangers. I am quite surprised that he gave in that quickly, but it's an advantage for me. "Do you need chicken? Or pork?"

"Chicken", I reply. Harry grabs it and puts it in the trolley. "Sooo, earlier..."

I smirk. I knew he was going to bring it up! "Yeah, earlier."

"You do realise it is illegal, right?"

"And? So is drinking alcohol if you're underage. I am not encouraging you to be a criminal or something like that, but I'm sure you did that at least once. Plus, it's not like we hurt anybody with that; we locked the door, we didn't break anything and nobody could see us. If there was a mess, we would've cleaned it up, but there wasn't any."

"That's right. And it was great to be honest."

"Oh, it was amazing."

Harry chuckles. "However, I thought that since you fucked me in my university, I should fuck you in your shop."

My eyes widen. "What?"

"Not right now. But, you know, sometime." He grins. "Don't you think so?"

"I think that you should shut up."

"Oh, I'm already turning you on and you know it."

"Yes I know it, that's why I want you to shut up!" I cross my arms and pout.

He chuckles. "You're so fucking adorable." He strokes my hair. "Such a tiny baby."

I raise an eyebrow. "A tiny baby that ripped apart your asshole earlier."

He blushes. "We don't talk about that."

"Oh, we do."

"I don't care, you're still adorable."

"D'you want me to slap you?"

"Not really, no. However, I actually want you to kiss me."

"Well, I won't." I sassily turn around and walk away, knowing that he will probably follow me. I'm right, because only shortly after, someone grabs my ass. I turn around and face Harry, who takes my wrists and puts them above my head. "I still want you to kiss me."

I grin and shake my head. Harry lets me go and pouts. "I don't want the other customers and the workers to think I'm sexually assaulting you", he explains. I smile and walk back to the trolley. Now, who's wearing the pants in this 'relationship'? Me, obviously. Harry might look intimidating, but in reality, he's a cupcake.

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