Chapter 12

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It's mid November; December is coming closer and closer and Harry and I have been dating for a few weeks. I start to get to know him better and better; I now know that he doesn't really like what he's studying at university, that he reads a lot, that he can play the guitar and that his dream has always been creating a family, no matter at what age. I also started to notice the small things; how the tip of his nose moves when he talks, the way he always fixes his hair, that he's always chewing gum. He also always smells like the same perfume, something expensive, and he shaves his legs. He once tried to explain the meaning of his tattoos to me, but he has so many, he has about twenty more than I do.

In other words, he's perfect. I mean, that's a fact, I know, but I just wanted to insist on it.

I must admit that we have a lot of sex, even if often it's only a blowjob or stuff like that. However, it's not too much. It's the right amount of sex, and I like it.

This morning at nine a.m., Harry called me to inform me that it snowed over the night. I was fucking sleeping at that moment, but he managed to persuade me that we have to go on a date today, so I decided to go ice-skating. Now, I just had lunch, and I decide to call my mum to catch up with her. It's Sunday, which means that she doesn't work except if there's an emergency call.

"Hi mum!", I greet my beautiful mother as she answers the call.

"Hi boobear! How's it going?"

"Everything's great, yeah! It even snowed today."

"Did it?"

I nod.

"That's great, Louis! Did you already go out?"

"Not yet, but I'll go on a date with Harry later."

She smirks. "Harry."

"Yeah. Harry."

"You're definitely getting some." She laughs. "I don't have to explain preventing to you, do I?"

"Mum, I'll literally be twenty-four in a month, I've had sex for about eight years, I think I know what to do."

She laughs. "I love you, boo."

"I love you too, mum."

"Are you visiting us for Christmas?"

I swallow. I actually have no idea. "I- I don't know yet. The last time I checked on the prices for the flight, they were very high, so I hoped they would maybe go down?"

"Louis, we can pay for you."

"No! You need the money yourself, and you already paid once. I'm fine."

"The shop isn't bringing much money, is it?"

"Well, we have a lot of customers."

"Maybe you have to do something different."

"Yeah, but maybe I don't. I love doing what I do, I won't quit it."

"What if Fiona-"


Mum sighs. "How's Fiona doing anyway?"

"Fiona?" Oh. "She- she's fine." She hasn't been much to work lately. I don't think she's fine. But... I was too busy with Harry to care for her. I am such a bad friend. We should definitely meet again.

"You don't sound convinced."

"I'll see her tomorrow." I just decided that. If she doesn't show up to work again, I'll just walk to her apartment.

"Take care of her."

"I will." I look at my clock. "I have to hang up now. Harry and I are going on a date later and I have to get ready."

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