Chapter 6

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Harry and I are now dating for about two weeks, and we already went on four dates. Today, we will watch a movie in the cinema. Harry told me that they're streaming The Notebook again, which is his absolute favourite film. He is going to pick me up (as always). He should be here in about five minutes.

I noticed that Harry doesn't like to talk about his past. I think that either something happened he's embarrassed about, or something happened that traumatised him. In either way, he really avoids talking about his childhood.

And no, we haven't kissed yet. Or done anything like that in general (excluding hugging). I really feel like a teenager, but it's perfectly fine to me.

When Harry arrives, I quickly grab my coat and wallet, then I open the door. "Hey, Harold", I greet him, smiling widely.

"Hi Louis." He looks so excited. I can't wait to watch the movie, because we are going to sit next to each other. Close to each other. And we will probably hold hands and maybe even kiss?

"You look gorgeous", Harry compliments me.

"Do you plan on telling me that every time we go out?"

"I plan on telling you that every time I look at your face." He smirks. "Or your bum."

"You pervert." I jokingly box his shoulder, but I can't hold back the large smile on my face. It's not bad that he likes my bum. "Can I pay today?"


"Why, Harry? You always pay!"

"I know, and it should stay like that."

"I hate you."

"No you don't, and we both know that."

I roll my eyes. He's right. "At least let me pay the popcorn."

"If you insist..."

"Yes!" I happily jump around him, then we go downstairs to Harry's car.

When we arrive at the cinema, Harry buys two entrance tickets (idiot) and I buy a bowl of popcorn that we share and soft drinks. Our seats are in the back, but it's fine because everyone is in front or in the middle, so we're alone. We sit down when the film begins, and the smile on Harry's face lights up the whole cinema. I must admit, he is more interesting than that shitty film. Like, I paid attention for two seconds, and what did I see? The boy and the girl lying at the street and almost getting run over. Not nice. However, watching Harry is nice. He looks so happy and into it.

"This is the best scene", Harry suddenly whispers. I look at the screen and grab a handful popcorn, but unfortunately (or fortunately depends on how you see it), Harry plans on doing the same. His hand accidentally wraps itself around mine, and he doesn't seem to notice it at first. I look up at him, and his eyes are still focused on the screen. He leads my hand towards his mouth. He isn't going to eat my hand, is he?

He isn't. He only smirks and interlaces our fingers, then he puts his lips on my hand and gently kisses it. A weird moan, something between a moan and a squeal leaves my throat, and my heart is beating so loud, I'm scared that he could hear it. The skin that touched his skin is burning, even when he puts our hands back. The fingers stay interlaced for the rest of the movie.

When the film ends, Harry is wiping his tear away with his free hand while I am eating the rest of the popcorn. "Did you like it?", he asks me.

"Of course." I have no idea.

We leave the cinema while still holding hands after I threw away the bowl.

"Do you want to hangout over at mine?", he asks me, "I'll drive you home, later. You could stay for dinner and meet my friends. Only if you don't mind."

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