Chapter 2

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Your POV

I got into my car and checked the message I was going to check before I bumped into the girl.

Shit! I forgot to ask her for her name. Hopefully she saved her contact as her real name and not anything else. I looked through my contacts and seen a new name. It was her. She saved her number as "Lauren💚" Anyways back to checking the message.

- wanna come over? I'm bored 😭

I replied with an okay & started my car. I turned on the radio and heard a song that I've never heard before.

Radio Guy: " That was the famous girl group Fifth Harmony, with their new single worth it. "

I made a mental note to look them up later because I really liked their song. I drove home so I could change my clothes. I quickly changed and threw my dirty clothes into the hamper.

I walked out of my apartment and got in my car diving off to Bianca's house. A couple of minutes later I arrived at her house.

I drove into her driveway and parked my car. I walked to her door and just opened the door. She always leaves the door open when she invites me over so that she doesn't have to get up.

Bianca is my bestfriend. We've been friends since we were born. Our mothers knew each other from highschool that's why we became friends.

I walked up the stairs to her room and heard music playing and her door was open.

She didn't notice me and started dancing to the music.

🎶everyday is pay day swipe my card and I do the nae nae 🎶

I start laughing at her attempt to do the nae nae. Once she heard me laughing she ran to me and wrapped her legs around my waist. I placed my hands on her thighs to support her weight. I was happy to see her because I hadn't seen her in 3 days. I know that's not a long time but that's my bestfriend and I can't live without her.

"I've missed you bitch." She told me her voice muffled.

"I've missed you too ass wipe." I said chuckling.

We separated from the hug and sat on her bed.

"What did you do today?" She asked while turning the music off.

"Nothing much. I just went to Dunkin Donuts a few minutes ago and I bumped into a girl while I was checking your message." I said smiling remembering the green eyed beauty from earlier.

I was about to continue the story but she interrupted me.

"Was she cute? Did you get her number? What's her name?" She bombarded me with questions.

"Hold up, let me finish."

"Alright alright I'm sorry." She chuckled.

"I bumped into her and I fell and my coffee spilled all over my clothes. She helped me up and I saw her. She was a goddess. She kept apologizing and was going to buy me another coffee but I told her she didn't have too, because my clothes were soaked and I wasn't gonna go in there with my clothes like that. But anyways she offered to go out another time and I accept. Then we exchanged numbers." I told her grinning.

"What did she look like?"

"She was like the definition of perfect. She had long black hair. These beautiful emerald eyes. This unbelievably hot nose piercing. Full kissable lips. And her body was smoking."

"Damn she must be pretty."

"Trust me she is." I sighed contently.

"What's her name?"

"I didn't quite catch it." I told her honestly.

"Ow." I said when she hit me upside my head.

"What the hell was that for Bianca?" I said rubbing my head.

"How the hell did you not get her name?"

"If you would let me finish speaking I would've told you... Like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, she saved her number as Lauren in my contacts. So I'm assuming that's her name."

A couple of seconds passed and Bianca hadn't said a word but sat there with her mouth wide open.

"Um, what's wrong with you?" I said waving my hand in front of her face.

"Wait... You said she had emerald eyes?"


"She also had a nose piercing right?"

"Uh, yea. Why?"

"Wait...Wait... You also said her name was L-Lauren?" She asked surprised.

"Yes." I told her and suddenly she let out a high pitch scream.

Wtf? Why is she yelling?

(word count: 751)

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