Chapter 9

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Your POV

So today's the day where I start making Lauren jealous. What if this whole plan just back fires? I thought, while I stretched my limbs.

I got out of bed and did my regular routine. I'm currently cooking breakfast when my phone vibrates a couple of times. I check my phone and I have multiple messages.

From: DJ😎
- you ready for tonight?😝


-am I picking you up or vice versa? Or are we just going to meet over there, girlfriend?😂

I don't respond to any except Tori's telling her that I'll pick her up.

I finish cooking my breakfast and eat it. Once I'm done I plop on my sofa and start watching tv.

A few hours have gone by and it's time to get ready for tonight. I just grab any outfit outta my closet and brush my hair. I grab my keys and head to my car.

Before I start driving I text Tori to be ready because I'll be there soon.

I turn on my car and quickly drive to her hotel. I park my car out front and quickly walk to her room. I knock on the door and she immediately opens it.

"Hey, you look nice." She says looking me up and down.

"You're not bad yourself." I say clearing my throat.

"Well come on babe, before we miss the concert." She laughs before closing the door behind her.

We walk out of the hotel and get in my car. I'm still stuck on the thought that this might back fire. It probably won't even work.

"Calm down (Y/N), everything will be fine." Tori reassured me.

"Alright..." I trailed off, arriving at the stadium.

I parked my car and quickly went to open Tori's door.

"Thank you baby." She said smiling and kissing my cheek.

Time to get into character.

(word count: 317)

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