Chapter 13

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Your POV

After I texted Tori that I needed to tell her something she tried to pry it out of me but it didn't work. I just told her to come through tomorrow. I rather say it to her face than over text.

I'm just sitting here in bed because I can't sleep. I scroll through my phone and see that I don't have any social media apps. I quickly download Instagram and Twitter.

I make a account for each and follow the 5h girls, Tori and Bianca. A few of them follow back immediately. Then some random people started following me.

I close my Instagram app and go to my photos. I look for a decent picture and post it.

A few minutes go by and I have like 3 likes. I close the app and lock my phone. I close my eyes and finally try to sleep.

I wake up and stretch my limbs. The first thing I do is check my phone. I have a whole bunch of Instagram notifications in my lockscreen. I wonder why it's so much.

Damn I already have 5,000 followers. I look at my picture and I have 1,203 likes and 237 comments. All of the comments were harmonizers. They were all commenting about Lauren.
I load all of my comments and spot Lauren's comment.

Laurenjauregui: 😍

um, okay? I think to myself. I put my phone down and get ready for my day.

I'm currently waiting for Tori to get here again. I'm nervous as fuck. What if she doesn't want me?

"Hey" I hear a sweet voice say as it interrupted my thoughts. It was Tori. I left my door open for her so she wouldn't have to knock.

"H-hi..." I say nervously.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" She says sitting down next to me. I look down at my hands and they're slightly shaking.

Tori takes my hands in hers and I calm down slightly.

"Tell me what's wrong." She says rubbing her thumb over my knuckles. I glance at her and quickly look away.

I take a deep shaky breath and tell her.

"Iknowthisiscrazybutimfallingforyou." I rush out.

"What'd you say? I couldn't understand you, you spoke too fast." She says her head slightly tilted to the side and a confused expression on her face.

"I'm falling for you..." I say quietly and I remove my hands from hers and put my face in my hands.

A couple minutes go by and she still hasn't replied. Well this is embarrassing.

"I'm sorry I probably just ruined this whole friendship. Let's just-"

I got cut off by her placing her lips on mine...

I need friends .-. Anyone wanna be my friend?... no ? okay 😅
(word count: 456)

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