Chapter 8

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Your POV

So right now Bianca and I are getting ready to meet Caminah and the girl that's supposed to be my fake girlfriend.

"What if she's ugly?" I asked Bianca while I tied up my shoes.

"I know who she is. Trust me she's not ugly." She said opening up the front door.

"Why can't you tell me who my fake girlfriend is gonna be?"

"Because..." She said so I ignored her and walked out.

Ever since she found out who I'm supposed to be fake dating she doesn't wanna tell me anything, which pissed me off. So I guess I just got to take her word for it.

We got in Bianca's car and she drove off to where we were supposed to meet the girls.

We arrived about 20 minutes later.
to say I was nervous was the least. To be honest I don't even know why I'm so nervous.

"We're going or nah?" Bianca asked getting out of the car. I nodded and got out also.

With every step I took I got even more nervous. My hands were sweating and I wiped them on my pants.

"Relax (Y/N)" Bianca told me, holding the door open.

I spotted Caminah quickly and seen the back of someone's head. Their hair was curly and blonde.

The girls waved as they spotted Bianca and I walking toward them.

"H-hey guys" I stuttered while the girls stood up to give us a hug.

"Well (Y/N)..this is Tori Kelly, if you didn't know." Camila told me.

I was surprised she was going to be my fake girlfriend, I loved her music and she was super pretty. I quickly escaped my thoughts and shook her hand.

"Hey (Y/N), it's nice to meet you." She said smiling.

"Hi Tori, it's nice to meet you too." I returned the smile and say next to her, while Bianca sat next to Caminah.

"So you guys know the deal right?" Dinah said looking at us both and we just nodded our heads.

"Alright, well tomorrow we have a concert here and yall should come through."

"Alright, I'm ready to see how this goes." I said truthfully.

All of us talked for a while and ate then we left. Before we left Tori and I exchanged numbers.

We seemed to click and the girls told us we already acted like a married couple. I swear if I didn't have feelings for Lauren I'd date Tori.

Anyways I'm ready to see how this'll turn out.

(word count: 425)

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