Chapter 7

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Bianca's POV

I read the message that popped up on my lockscreen and my eyes widened in surprise.

The text was Lauren admitting that she was jealous about the other girls touching (Y/N).

I looked over at (Y/N) and she had a confused expression on her face.

"Seems like you're up to something."

"I don't know why you're thinking that, because I'm not up to nothing." I smiled and unlocked my phone so I could reply back to Lauren.

I texted her a simple why and waited for her response.

-Idk, I just didn't like them touching her.

I looked over at (Y/N) and she had her headphones in and was already knocked out. She must've been really tired because it's not that late.

bc you like her😏

-what? Are you crazy😅 I don't swing that way🙅🏽

whatever floats your boat, lol

I laughed to myself because who the hell really believes Lauren's straight?

Anyways time to text the rest of the girls to try to find a way for Lauren to admit she likes (Y/N).

Your POV
Ever since Bianca and Lauren have been texting, Lauren's replying were getting slower.

I turn my attention to the tv and watch a little. It got boring so I get my headphones and listen to songs from fifth harmony.

I listen to their angelic voices for a while and then I felt my eyes getting heavy and I could barely keep them open.

Bianca's POV
So the girls and I decided to find someone for (Y/N) to fake date. Hopefully this will get Lauren jealous and she'll admit that she likes (Y/N).

Tomorrow I'll just inform (Y/N) about the plan. She probably won't agree to it. All we gotta do is pray to Allysus, so that everything goes as planned.

Your POV
I woke up to the smell of pancakes. That's weird, because Bianca never wants to cook for me. It's usually me cooking. Hmm, shes definitely up to something.

"Look at you cooking like a housewife." I say walking into the kitchen and sitting down at the table.

Bianca just smiled and brought me a plate with chocolate chip pancakes.

"Holy balls, thanks for making my favorite." I said stuffing my mouth.

"It's no problem at all." She said cheesing hard. It was fucking creepy.

"I know something is up your sleeve, so might as well tell me."

She laughed and then began speaking.

"So yesterday, Lauren admitted to being jealous of the girls who touched you. Then I asked her if she liked you and she denied it-"

"Of fucking course she was going to deny it she likes boys" I said cutting her off.

"You're probably the only person who believes that. Anywhore, the girls and I came up with a plan..." She said folding her hands and smiling mischievously.

"I'm waiting"

"So we're gonna get you a fake girlfriend to make her jealous."

"Ok" I said nonchalantly.

"You don't have to- Wait did you just fucking agree!? Oh my god that's a first, you never agree that quickly!" She said jumping around the kitchen.

Wow, she's really excited.

"What if it doesn't work?" I asked doubting their plan.

"Then we'll think of another plan." She shrugged.

Well we'll see how this works out...

sorry if this sucked ._.
which most likely it does :/
(word count: 568)

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