Chapter 3

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Your POV

"Why the fuck are you screaming?" I asked still confused as to why this was happening.

She still hadn't responded but was typing on her phone.

"Was this her?" She told me handing me her phone.

I looked at the phone and indeed it was the same Lauren I had bumped into. I wondered how she got this picture. Does she know her? Or is Bianca just a stalker?

"How'd you get this picture?" I asked curiously.

"On google, there are tons of them. Do you not know who she is?" She asked incredulously.

"Obviously not."

"Shes in a girl group called Fifth Harmony."

"Fifth Harmony?" I repeated because it sounded awfully familiar. That's when i remembered the song I liked from earlier on the radio.

"I remembered I heard one of their songs on the radio earlier."

"You know the song I was dancing to earlier when you came, was one of their songs."

"Who else is apart of the band?"

"Well there's obviously Lauren Jauregui. Then there's Camila Cabello, Dinah-Jane, Ally Brooke and Normani Kordei."

"You're a fan of them?" I asked her.

"Uh, no... I'm a Harmonizer." She said with sass.

"Oh, excuse me." I chuckled. "But since when? Because I know all of the artist that you listen to."

"Uh, since they were on the xfactor in 2012. You must've not been paying attention."

I was about to reply when my phone dinged, indicating that I've received a message.

I checked my phone and automatically smiled when I saw it was her.

- Hey ☺️

"Is that Lauren?" Bianca asked smirking.

"Yea." I told her while replying back to Lauren with a simple hi.

"I think you might be having a crush." she said squealing.

"Um, no. I barely know her."

"So what? It can be like love at first sight." She said gushing.

"Absolutely not. Yeah she's pretty but I don't like her, she's not all that. She's just going to be a friend." I said shrugging my shoulders slightly.

"Rightttttttt." She said squinting her eyes indicating that she didn't believe me.

"Whatever floats your boat. You can believe me if you want." I said checking my phone because Lauren texted me again.

- Wassup?😝

Nm, at my bf house.

- oooooh. Boyfriend huh? Don't frickle frackle. 🌚

Oh my gosh ew, I meant bf as in bestfriend.

I started laughing and Bianca looked at me curiously as if she's waiting for me to explain.

"What?" I asked as she kept staring at me.

"What's funny?"

"A text." I told her vaguely,
checking my phone again.

- Oh oops 😅 Sooo, when can I take you out? ☺️

You're making it sound like its a date👀

- Uh, friends go out to eat together...

Ik, I'm just messing with ya, so we can do it tomorrow around 1:00pm. We'll meet at wherever were going to eat😊

- Okay. I'll tell you where tomorrow because I still haven't chosen a place😂😐

I was going to reply but I felt a pillow hit my head, I look up and glare at Bianca and she starts laughing.

"I've been calling your name this whole time and you're not listening." She told me grumpily.

"I was distracted."

"Right, with your new girlfriend."

"Bianca, once again I don't like her."

"Not yet." She said smirking.

(word count: 562)

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