Chapter 11

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Your POV

This whole fake girlfriend thing isn't really working. This has been going on for a few weeks now and Lauren hasn't said anything about it. Tori and I have been doing couple things except kissing on the lips. So I'm guessing it's time to take it to the next level.

Right now I'm waiting for Tori to come over so I can tell her.

I hear a knock on the door and I get up to open it.

There's my girlfriend.

"Hey Tori." I say engulfing her in a hug which she returns.

I close the door and we walk in and sit on the couch.

"So wassup?" She says smiling.

"Soooo... erm the plan isn't really working..." I say trailing off and playing with my fingers.

"Okay, so what do you think we should do?" She says looking at me curiously.

My eyes roam her face and oh my
Lord, she's so pretty. Her dark brown orbs captivating me. The little mole she has sits perfectly under her eyebrow. The small pointy nose is just the right size.

"Hellooooooo" she says smiling and waving her hand infront of my face.

Her smile is beautiful. Also the deformation in her cheek of a shortened muscle which causes a dimple, is cute. She's just one gorgeous human being.

I shake away my thoughts and start talking.

"We should um... you know... probably start kissing in front of her..." I say the last part quietly, hoping she'll agree with my plan.
Who am I kidding she probably won't even do it.

"Hmmmm, alright I'm down."

Well this was easier than I thought.

"Should we um... you know practice?" I say nervously. Right now I just wanted to kiss her. Like even if it was for the plan or not I really wanted to.

She nods and places her soft cold hands on my cheek. I instantly move closer to her. I feel her breath on my lips. My eyes flutter closed and I move in to close the gap.

My lips trap hers and they have a fruity taste. We pull back a bit then move back in capturing each other's lips again. Once our lips touch I feel this weird feeling in my stomach. I don't know whether it was butterflies it just nerves. She swipes her tongue across my bottom lip and I open my mouth slightly. Her tongue touches mine and I let out a small quiet moan. I tilt my head a bit more to the right to deepen the kiss. This goes on for a few seconds. We start kissing slower and we slowly move away to catch our breaths.

"Wow..." I whisper, slowly sitting back into the couch.

What the fuck did I get myself into? This definitely wasn't the plan.

(word count: 470)

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