Chapter 10

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Your POV

We walked to the backstage door and there stood a body guard.

"Mam, you can't go in." His deep voice said while he stopped us. He looked at me then at Tori, it seemed like he recognized her.

"Wait, yall can go in. Long time no see Tori." He smiled and gave her a hug which she reciprocated.

"Big rob this is (Y/N)." She said gesturing towards me.

"Hello (Y/N), nice to meet you." He said extending his hand.

"Hi big rob, nice to meet you too." I shook his hand.

Tori and I then walked in.

"Time to get lost looking for their room." She laughed and grabbed my hand.

We walked and walked until we found the room.

"Hey girls!" I said getting their attention and they greeted me.

Lauren looked up and her eyes widen when she seen Tori.

"Tori not to be rude or anything but why are you here?" She said getting up to hug her.

"Oh I'm here with my girlfriend." She chuckled nervously and I squeezed her hand for reassurance.

"Oh..." Lauren said quickly pulling away from hugging Tori and sitting back where she was.

I pulled Tori towards the couch opposite of Lauren, where ally and Camila were seated. There wasn't enough space so I pulled her into my lap.

We were all talking about the concert that was gonna start in a half hour. Everyone was engaged in the conversation except Lauren. She was just sitting there, occasionally glaring at Tori and then texting on her phone.

"I feel bad." I whispered into Tori's ear.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." She whispered back.

I didn't reply so I just kissed her temple as I knew Lauren was glancing at us. This made Lauren glare at us both. I swear if looks could kill, Tori and I would've already been dead.

"You guys are cute together." Camila gushed.

"(Y/S/N)!" The other girls chanted.

"Girls 5 mins til show time!" A loud voice shouted interrupting their chants.

"Alright girls I'll see you guys out there. Make sure yall slay everything." I told them, tapping Tori's thigh so she could get off of me. She stood up and then I did the same.

"Best believe we will!" Dinah told me and the girls nodded in agreement.

I grabbed Tori's hand and intertwined our fingers together.

"Let's go babe." I said walking us out of the room.

The concert started a while ago and the girls were singing "who are you" right now.

When Lauren was singing she looked directly at us and frowned slightly before turning her attention to something else.

"Did you see that? I think she likes you." Tori nudge me.

"I think she does, just a little bit."

"Well let's keep this up till she explodes and confesses her feelings." She told me and I nodded, turning my attention back to the concert.

(word count: 492)

The Messed Up Encounter (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now