Chapter 19

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Your POV

Its been a few weeks since me and Tori's first date. Everything between us is okay, but there's just one thing that's bothering me. I lost all feelings for her, tbh. Yesterday when we were hanging out that was all that was on my mind. I told the girls and they told me to just be honest with her and tell her. But that's the thing, if I be honest I might break her heart and I don't want to do that. She's such a nice girl and everything but I just can't pretend as if I like her anymore. I really don't know how I'm going to end things with Tori.

My train of thought was ruined when I heard a knock on my apartment. I lazily got out of bed and walked towards the door. I look through the peep hole and see that it's Tori...

"Hey Tori" I say once I open the door. She walks in and just stands there looking at the ground. I close the door behind me and turn my attention to her.

"Wassup?" I say walking closer to her.

"We um...have to um... talk..." she stutters out.

"alright, I also had to talk to you about something also...So let's go have a seat." I gesture toward the couch.

5 minutes have passed and we're still sitting in silence.

"Tori what is it?" I ask curiously as she's still looking down.

"(Y/N) you're a very amazing person and everything and this relationship was great but umm... I don't feel anything towards you anymore...I'm sorry..." She says finally looking up.

"No need to be sorry, that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about also." I chuckle trying to lighten the mood.

"Friends?" She says some what timidly.

"Of course Tori, I'll always be here when you need anyone. I'll always support you in everything you do." I say hugging her.

I heard her let out a shaky sigh
"That went easier than I thought" she says and we both giggle and separate from the hug.

"Why you say that?"

"Because I thought I was gonna break your heart and you would be crying and everything." she shrugs.

"Naaaah... Imma G, I don't cry. I sweat through my eyes." With that we both start cracking up again.

Tori left a few minutes ago, after that talk we just spoke about random things.
I texted the girls and told them everything that happened.

Now it's time to win Lauren over...

I'm not good with break ups at all so this chapter was kinda iffy...
(word count: 439)

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