Chapter 18

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Your POV

Right when our lips were about to touch i turned my head and she kissed my cheek. I suddenly got up and tagged her.

"ha, got cha!" I said laughing.

"Cheater!" Lauren yelled laughing and I just ran away to find Tori.

I found her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Baby we won." I say pecking her lips.

"Really? How were you able to tag Lauren?" She says confused.

"I used my magic." I say some what nervously because I was caught up in the moment and was really about to kiss her.

"Alright." She chuckled. I intertwined our hands and we went to find Lauren and the fuckboy.

Lauren walked up to us by herself.

"You guys won." She said smiling.

"Yeah, I knew we would win!" I say cockily causing Tori to elbow me in my ribs and we all start laughing.

Our laughter dies down and we just kind of stand there awkwardly.

"Um, I'm gonna go find Brad. I'll see ya later, love birds." She says quickly and scurries off.

"Let's go babe." Tori says and we start walking out to the car.

"Did you um have fun?" I say nervously as we reach the car.

"Yeah, lots of fun." Tori says and pushes me up against the vehicle and kisses me.

We kiss for a few seconds and then separate.

"What was that for?" I say out of breath.

"For the best first date ever!" She smiles, her dimples showing.

"I'm glad you liked it." I say truthfully pecking her lips one last time and opening the car door for her. She gets in and I close it and run to my side. I get in and start driving Tori back to her apartment.

(Skip the car ride)

We arrived at her house and we were jamming the whole way here. I once again rush out to open the car door for her and she gets out.

"Such a gentlewoman." She chuckles.

"Only for you princess." I say and she blushes as we walk to her apartment door.

"Thanks again for today, I really enjoyed myself." Tori says looking down at her feet cutely.

"No problem baby." I said moving her chin up so that she can face me. Once our eyes connect we both smile and go in for a quick kiss.

"I'll see you later babe." She says.

"Alright, have a nice night." I wave shyly.

I start walking away and turn around and see Tori still hasn't closed the door. I turn back around and continue walking to my car once I get it, I give her a small wave and speed off.

Y'all really thought I was gonna make you kiss Lauren while you're with Tori?😅

Come on guys I'm not that much of an asshole.
(word count: 472)

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