Chapter 16

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Your POV

Tori left earlier today, it's 10:30am right now. I'm currently thinking of where I should take her on a date. To tell you the truth I've never been on a date so this is difficult. I need to ask someone for ideas.

ey, what's a good place for a first date?

I put my phone in my pant pocket and walk to the kitchen. I grab some pancake mix and start making my pancakes. I finish making it and put it on a plate and get something to drink. I grab my breakfast and go sit on the couch to watch tv.

"BOO!" I'm startled and drop my plate. I almost had a heart attack and Bianca is in tears laughing on the floor.

"It's not fucking funny." I tell her some what pissed. I pick my plate up and walk into the kitchen and start washing them.

"I'm sowwy." Bianca says walking in.

"Whatever." I grumble and continue washing the plates.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again." She says clearly lying

"That's what you said the last time" I tell her and dry off my hands and walk to the living room with Bianca trailing behind.

"This time I mean it...Anywhore, you should take Tori laser tagging." She says sitting on the couch across from mine.

"For a first date?" I say my face contorted.

"Yeah, it'll be fun. If she doesn't like it oh well, she's not staying for long anyways. We all know you're still in love with lolo." She shrugged smirking.

(Skip the whole getting ready for the date, you and tori are now at the laser tag place)

"I can't believe you brought me here." Tori squealed.

"You like it?" I said surprised.

"Yes, it's gonna be fun, if we're against each other imma beat you." She said intertwining our hands as we walked to the entrance.

"Riiiiiiiiiiight" I said dragging out the word and chuckling.

We walked toward the dude and he explained what we had to do and gave us what we needed. He told us that Tori and I were against someone else.

The room was semi dark and I saw two silhouettes. Tori and I walked closer and that's when I realized who were our opponents.

i never been laser tagging before so idrk know how it works, so bare with me lol.

i wasn't even planning on updating today tbh, I only did it bc Lauren finally made a snapchat! lmao
(word count: 420)

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