Chapter 21

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Your POV

Here I am at the carnival with the girls. We're currently sitting eating cookie dough and cotton candy only because Mila was complaining that she was starving. The girls all seemed like they're having fun, Brauren is being lovey dovey, and then there's me; being quieter than usual. My mind was on the plan of how we were going to catch Brad in his trap. We surprisingly got Brads side piece which I've learned her name is Amy; to work with us only because she was tired of him using her when he needed a quicky.

"Babe, I'm gonna go check out that stand over there." he said pointing to one in the distance.

"Alright, don't take too long." Lauren said pecking his lips and giving him a small smile.

As soon as he started walking all the girls except Lauren glanced at me telling me that this was my cue to go after him.

"Laur you wanna come with me and check out the fishes over there?" I ask in hopes that she'd say yes.

"Sure, let's go" she said standing up and waiting for me. We headed to the stand with the fishes and left the others behind.

"You're gonna get a fish?" she asked confused.

"Yeah, I need you to help me pick it out" I told her as we arrived at the stand.

"Alright" she smiled and quickly started looking at all the fishes that they had.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Brad and Amy in a heated make out session. I was thinking if I was doing the right thing by ratting him out. What am I talking about? of course I am. He's cheating and that's wrong. But then again I don't know if I should tell Lauren because she was going to be so heart broken. My train of thought was broken when the rest of the girls caught up to us and were next to me.

"Are you gonna tell her?" Dinah whispered nudging me.

I thought about it and slowly nodded walking towards Lauren. She was still distracted by looking at the fishes.

I cleared my throat and spoke
"Laur, I have something to show you"

She looked at me and I couldn't really form the sentence in my head to say out loud. I wasn't ready for Lauren to be heart broken but I gotta do what I gotta do.

I pointed at their direction and Lauren followed my finger. As soon as she saw them, her beautiful eyes welled up with tears. I pulled her into a hug and she buried her face into my chest.

"Don't cry over him Laur, he never deserved you. You're way too beautiful and good for him." I said and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

The girls swarmed us and comforted Lauren as well for a few minutes. She then picked up her head and looked at me.

"Let's go over there real quick" she said wiping her face and grabbing my hand. We all walked over there and Brad and Amy didn't seem to notice our presence until Lauren cleared her throat. That's when they broke the kiss and Brad had a shocked look on his face.

"Baby, it's not what it looks like. She came onto me an--"

"We're over" Lauren simply said cutting him off. She then started walking away bringing me with her since we we're still holding hands.

We were a couple feet away from where we just were and I looked over my shoulder, to see Dinah and Bianca shoving him into a wall while Camila stood there still eating. I stopped walking which made Lauren stop and see what I was looking at. Dinah and Bianca were about to beat his ass but Ally and Mani grabbed each one by the ear and dragged them towards us. I could hear Ally scolding them and this simple action made Lauren and I die of laughter.

so finally Brauren is over
(word count: 677)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2016 ⏰

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