Chapter 15

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Your POV

-i miss you (Y/N)...

Isn't it crazy how she texts me that right after I post the pic of Tori and I?

Do you really? Or is your significant other just not paying you enough attention?

I type the message and think on whether or not I should send it. After a few minutes I send it anyways, and she immediately replied.

- I really do miss you & don't bring him into this...

k. How much do you miss me?

- tons :/ we haven't really hung out since we both got into "relationships"

I read her message and instantly started wondering why she used quotation marks around that word. Did she know Tori and I were faking it at first? Or was she faking it?

I guess I could only find out if I just ask her.

why the quotation marks?👀

I waited for a reply but after a few minutes I still didn't receive one.
I locked my phone and look down at Tori. She had her head on my chest and was still asleep. I caressed her cheek softly and she stirred a bit. Instead of waking up she just cuddled more into me as if she could get any closer. This simple action just caused me to smile.

I was about to close my eyes to sleep as well but my phone vibrated. I grabbed it and checked the message. I was hoping that it was from Lauren but it wasn't. It was from Dinah.

-you and Tori are cute😍 but this wasn't the plan...😐

thanks & ik, I just started falling for her along the way and I told her before it was too late. Anyways it the plan wouldn't work with Lauren because she's with someone now.

From: DJ😎
- nobody likes Brad tbh, he's a no lip having fuckboi

After I read this I started laughing quietly trying my best not to wake up Tori but failed anyways.

"What's funny?" Tori asked raising her head and looking at me tiredly and confused.

"Nothing baby, go back to sleep princess." I said and kissed her forehead.

"Okay..." She said and softly pecked my lips and went back to the position she was in before.

(word count: 380)

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