Chapter 4

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Your POV

When I left Bianca's house it was around 9:00 pm. We spent the rest of the time watching Fifth Harmony interviews and stuff. In all the interviews Lauren looked flawless as well as the others. They were all so beautiful. They slayed everything.

I got home and went straight to my room. I took all of my clothes off except my boxers and sports bra and laid in bed. I wasn't tired so I got my laptop and went on Netflix. I was in the middle of watching an episode of oitnb when my phone dinged. I paused oitnb and checked my phone. It was Lauren.

-Um change of plans, instead of going out to eat how bout we go to the beach? Only if you want...

That's fine 😝

A couple of seconds later she replied.

-but my friends are coming, you can bring someone if you want.

Alright, I'll see you tomorrow beautiful💕

Woah, I just realized what I sent. Oh well it was the truth. She was beautiful.

-Can't wait 🙈

After I read her message, I texted Bianca asking if she wanted to join and she immediately said yes.

I unpaused Netflix and continued watching it. Around 11:30pm I started getting tired, so I turned off my laptop and set it on the desk That was in a corner of my room. I got back in bed and once my head touched the pillow I knocked out.

I woke up feeling cold water being poured on me. I jolted up and stood up but fell because my leg got caught with my bed sheet.

"Hurry up bitch, we have to meet Lauren at the beach soon." Bianca said, if you're wondering how she got in she has a key.

Once I heard Bianca mention this I immediately stood up grabbing my sheet to cover my hard on and walked to the bathroom.

Bianca is the only person that knows I have a penis, well besides my mom.

I did all my necessities and walked to my room. Thank god Bianca wasn't in my room anymore because I was fully naked. I put on my Calvin's and swim trunk and my sports bra. On top of that I put on a t-shirt.

I walked to my kitchen and grabbed some chips and soda to eat before we left.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, but lemme go grab a few things." I walked back to my room and grabbed my shades, sunblock, towel, a wallet & my phone. I slipped on some sandals and walked back to where Bianca was.

"Now are you ready to go see your girlfriend?" She said smirking.

I ignored her and headed towards the door with her trailing behind me. She got out and I locked the door.

"We're taking my car." I told her, she nodded and we continued walking.

We got in my mustang and drove off.

"Can you text Lauren and tell her we're on our way?"

"Of course." She grabbed my phone and smirked.

She's got to be up to something. Hopefully she doesn't embarrass me.

"Read me the message before you send it." I told her.

"It says, we're on our way and I can't wait to see you."

"Well I guess that's fine."
She sent it and put my phone down.

"Make sure you control you're little friend down there. All of Lauren's friends are hot and you don't wanna have a boner while we're over there." She said seriously and then started laughing.

"Ugh, shut up. I don't get hard easily." I said turning on the radio so she wouldn't say anything else.

We arrived at the beach and I quickly spotted Lauren. We walked towards her and she saw me. She quickly embraced me in a hug.

"I'm glad you're here." She said pulling away from the hug.

"I'm glad I'm here too." I chuckled.

I seen Lauren eyeing Bianca because she didn't know her.

"Lauren this is my best friend Bianca."

Lauren pulled Bianca into a hug also and when they pulled away I could tell Bianca was trying not to fangirl.

"My friends are all in the water, so I'll introduce you guys when they come back."

I placed my towel on the floor next to Lauren's and took off my t-shirt.
I looked towards Lauren and she was looking me up and down licking her lips.

Lauren still had a sun dress on so I was curious as to how she looked underneath. It seems as if she read my thoughts, because she started undressing.

She looked so sexy in her black bikini. Oh my gosh. I had to look away. Her body was perfect. Her boobs were the right size. Her stomach was toned. Her thighs were just right. She was a walking goddess.

My thoughts got interrupted when I seen the other girls from fifth harmony walking towards us. They all looked good but they didn't compare to Lauren.

Lauren quickly introduced us and the girls complemented Bianca and I, saying we were cute and they were gawking over my abs. They kept going until Lauren told them to stop.

Bianca immediately hit it off with all the girls. They were all talking as if they've known each other for years.

"Laur, can you put some sun screen on me?" I asked passing my sunscreen lotion to her.

"Yeah, as long as you do me after."

In my head I had the dirtiest thoughts but I quickly shook it off because I knew she wasn't talking dirty.

I was face down and I felt Lauren straddle my butt. Soon I felt her soft hands rubbing the sunscreen on me.

"Turn around."

I did as I was told and now she was straddling my front. I was praying that she wouldn't feel my penis through my shorts. While she was rubbing her hands on me I couldn't help but think about how she was in bed.

I shouldn't be thinking like this because she's straight and just a friend.

(word count: 1017)

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