Chapter 5

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Your POV

Once Lauren straddled my waist I had to think of something else to get my mind off of the inappropriate thoughts.

She rubbed my chest and stomach, now it was my turn to apply some on her.

"Lay down." I simply told her and she laid down on her stomach.

I applied some on my hands and started to put it on her. She shivered a bit because the sunscreen was cold. Once I started rubbing it in I heard a soft moan come from her. I was going to say something but decided to let it go unnoticed.

"This feels so good." She whispered.

"Duh, cuz I have talented hands." I said stupidly and she started laughing.

"Turn over Hun."

I proceeded to put some on her stomach. Once I was done I stood up to put my wallet and phone in Bianca's purse and told Lauren to join me in the water.

"I don't wanna go in." She told me. Oh well I'll make her go in. I bend down and picked her up bridal style and started running towards the water.

"No put me down." She whined through her laughter.

We got in and the water was up to my waist already.

"Still want me to put you down?" I told her smirking.

"Not, anymore." She told me. Once she told me this I let go of her and she fell into the water. After a few seconds she came up and was pouting.

"I told you I didn't want to be dropped in the water. I'm mad at you now." She continued pouting and crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry Laur. Don't pout anymore." She looked so cute right now. I had all these thoughts about kissing her pout away. But I got to chill. She doesn't even like me.

She didn't listen to me, so I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. She pushed me off and walked out of the water.

I followed a few steps behind. She sat on her towel and joined the other girls conversation. I wasn't going to be a loner so I did the same. We were currently talking about who'd we date out of each other. This was my cue to leave.

"Sorry for changing the subject, but I'm in the mood for ice cream anybody want some?" I asked.

They all wanted one and told me the flavors they each wanted.

"Can someone come with me? How am I gonna carry all of 'em?"

"I'll go with you." Lauren said getting up.

"Okay..." I said and we started walking in silence.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked breaking the silence.

"I was never really mad at you,I was just pretending to be." She chuckled.

"Wow, I really thought you were." I laughed.

We got to the ice cream stand and started ordering. We quickly ordered and started walking back over to the girls. When we were walking two girls walked up to us.

"Sorry to bother but nice abs." One of them said.

"Thanks." I told her flashing her a smile.

"I've never seen some like that, can I touch them?" The other one asked.

"Sure." I said.

The started rubbing them and I suppressed my lips to hold in a moan.

They kept doing it until Lauren spoke up.

Lauren's POV
I stood there looking at these hoes touching (Y/N). Like don't fucking touch what's mine... Wait, what am I talking about, she's not mine & I'm fucking straight.

"(Y/N) I think it's time to go, the girls want their ice cream."

"Alright." She told the girls and we left.

She tried to make small talk on our way to where the girls were but I didn't reply. I was fucking pissed off.

Your POV
I tried talking to Lauren but she stayed quiet. She looked mad, but I don't know why. She was fine before we went to get ice cream... Maybe she was jealous because of those girls, but why would she be?

A/N are people actually still reading this?😂
(word count: 688)

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