Chapter 17

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Your POV

"Great, we're against two lesbians." no lip mumbled once Tori and I approached them.

I was about to say something but got cut off by Tori.

"Alright let's um start" she said looking at me as it she was telling me not to respond to Brads stupid comment.

The game started and we all separated from each other. It so dark in here I can barely see. I turn a corner and Brads back is facing me and he's about to shoot Tori, but I shoot him before he shoots her.

His head snaps towards me and he looks pissed off. Tori runs away the other direction and he chases after her. I guess he knew that he wasn't going to be able to catch me. Smart boy.

I start running and turn the corner and see Tori. I wrap my arm around her waist and she jumps at the touch. She turns around and relaxes once she sees that it's me.

"Oh it's just you." She says with a goofy smile on her face.

"Of course it was. Who else would wrap their arms around your waist?"

"I don't know, someone who wanted to kidnap me?" She said somewhat serious.

"Don't say that babe." I said not wanting to imagine what would happen if that was the case. I frowned slightly and she seemed to notice.

"I'm sorry baby" she said and wrapped her arms around my neck.

We both were leaning in and right when our lips were about to touch, Tori got tagged.

"Gotcha." Lauren winked before running away.

Tori slightly groaned and pecked my lips before running after her.

I was standing there thinking about where Brad had disappeared off to. So I just started looking around aimlessly.

I then decided to just run, find Lauren and tag her so Tori and I could win the game.

I was running and turned right at and my body collided with someone else's.

I look down and see Lauren under me.

"Well hello there" I smirk unintentionally. She doesn't respond and I'm about to get up off of her but she pulls me back down.

This time our faces are closer than before. I hear her breath hitch. Her eyes are scanning my face and I look towards her lips. I look up into her eyes and I see that her pupils are dilated. I drop my gaze back to her lips and she licks hers as I subconsciously bite mine.

"You're so fucking beautiful Lauren." I tell her truthfully and cup her face. Once I do this she immediately leans into my touch and closes her eyes.

Then we both start leaning in...

(word count: 451)

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